I think the Tory plans to usher in a new generation of nuclear plants has just taken a big step backward!
Matt, how did you write all that in 2 minutes??
I think the Tory plans to usher in a new generation of nuclear plants has just taken a big step backward!
Its surreal whats happening in japan almost like something from sim city the game mental
I think they had the option to set Godzilla loose on the city in that game as well. Sadly that seems the only thing that isn't happening out there.
Its quite clear that this is now a disaster of biblical proportions now.
Earth quake , Tsunami and now Nuclear Meltdown and radiation release.
I hope everyone's made a donation to the Red Cross lads.
How is a nuclear meltdown biblical?
Its metaphorical or allegorical which ever way you want to put it
It seems like you are loving this with your biblical references and demands for power plants to be sued.
Thousands of people are missing, some of us have friends out there who are very scared right now.
Your posts are unwelcome and embarrassing.