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John Terry trial to take place after Euro 2012

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No your right fighting is wrong on all levels. Should have just accepted what Hitler was doing, or challenge him to a tree hugging contest.

Where did I say the government of the time shouldn't have gone to war with Hitler? Where did I say war is always wrong?

Grow up.
I know your messing, but who cares if England has loads of [Poor language removed]? Everywhere does. They're nothing to do with me.

So that makes it ok then? Most other countries don't have the same amount of [Poor language removed] that England does. That's the point.

Soldier's who faught for and gave their lives for our country would be ****ing spinning in their graves. 'I'm not proud to be English, the place is full of [Poor language removed]'. Pfft. That's all I'm gonna say on this matter now.

Regurgitating BNP cliches doesn't win arguments mate.

They were fighting fascism and also defending our country, because after Poland and France, we would have been next. I'm not going to apologise for being proud to be English. Not one ****ing bit.

Britain done boss in the Second World War. Really boss. So did America and Canada and the ANZAC nations and the Ghurkas and the French resistance and the Belgian and Polish resistance and the Russians.

That was seventy years ago like. Britain no longer has an empire and has been marginalised to a piece of rock with some history stuck in the north east Atlantic. Anyone using the prefix "Great" before Britain doesn't get the irony.

impressive & interesting history
He goes a bit 'Matt Damon' sometimes and makes things up to suit his argument. Don't let it bother you.

It's just daft absolutism. "Oh, you're not proud that thousands of young men died miles away from home in bloody, horrific circumstances so you must think we should have rolled over for Hitler". Bollocks. What they did was right, I owe to them the fact that I'm here today under the circumstances I am. I am truly thankful to those men and it fills me with great sadness thinking about it. Every war fought is a stain on mankind. Unfortunately, yes, it is necessary sometimes.
It's just daft absolutism. "Oh, you're not proud that thousands of young men died miles away from home in bloody, horrific circumstances so you must think we should have rolled over for Hitler". Bollocks. What they did was right, I owe to them the fact that I'm here today under the circumstances I am. I am truly thankful to those men and it fills me with great sadness thinking about it. Every war fought is a stain on mankind. Unfortunately, yes, it is necessary sometimes.
I know mate. He's the great white belter. We love him. The Euros threads will be among the most memorable in the history of GOT.

Anyone who doesn't condemn what the English done to the Aboriginals or American Indians right now is one bad genocidal condemning racist.

Don't forget the New Zealand Maoris, the Indians, the Pacific Island races and the Argentinians over the Falklands. Almost as bad as the bloody Romans.
Thing is can you imagine if England actually won something , there would be knighthoods all round , the wankfest would be unbearable Terry Cole GBH for example would be national heroes put on a par with war heroes it would be awful .

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