John Textor

I'd rather believe the Guardian and a professor than you , yes.

And by the way , unlike you , I haven't got a scooby how rich or otherwise this guy is or whether he would be a good or bad owner.

For someone who allegedly works " in the legal profession" you seem unusually dogmatic and unwilling to consider an alternative view .

What is it that you do - a receptionist?

People were literally quoting Forbes at us for him being a billionaire

Literally word for word. Looking at you @blulouie

He's not on there though 🤷‍♂️
I think you are really struggling here mate.

I'm not quoting , I simply posted screenshots

Again I'm not quoting
But you know this don't you.
People were literally quoting Forbes at us for him being a billionaire

Literally word for word. Looking at you @blulouie

He's not on there though 🤷‍♂️
You still have not engaged with me over why you deem his personal wealth more important than the money he will introduce via his consortium .?
I presume your issue with Textor is not his personal wealth but the fact you got all moist over the Roma owning spitfire pilot and now you’re acting like a sulky jilted lover.
Happy if you can disabuse me of that opinion by actually debating your reservations rather that just ignoring the debate to continually sneer at people.
It’s boring lad.

You still have not engaged with me over why you deem his personal wealth more important than the money he will introduce via his consortium .?
I presume your issue with Textor is not his personal wealth but the fact you got all moist over the Roma owning spitfire pilot and now you’re acting like a sulky jilted lover.
Happy if you can disabuse me of that opinion by actually debating your reservations rather that just ignoring the debate to continually sneer at people.
It’s boring lad.

1. He's not sold his Crystal Palace shares

2. He's not a billionaire and people should disabuse themselves of the notion he is

3. He's not defined who these other parties are and so if his personal wealth is as you say, not relevant - how can anyone judge what he says today

4. Friedkins are billionaires
Well it's been entertaining and fun but time for bed.

I would however like to thank Damo and the pfm guy because despite my advancing years I have now discovered how to do screenshots so even an old dog can learn new tricks.

Good luck with those phones Damo

1. He's not sold his Crystal Palace shares

2. He's not a billionaire and people should disabuse themselves of the notion he is

3. He's not defined who these other parties are and so if his personal wealth is as you say, not relevant - how can anyone judge what he says today

4. Friedkins are billionaires
To be fair to Textor, it seems like he has got refinancing set up for the debt. But his claims of 100% equity deal reach only as far as the £25m he will be paying Moshiri (which is quite funny really, way to lose a fortune!)

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