John Textor

You're coming across as a real sourface. Why? I'm puzzled. I'm on the fence with Textor but he talks well. What's your beef?

1. I don't like Alan Myers for how he behaved over 777 Partners. He's a PR mouthpiece and doesn't have Everton Football Club's legitimate interests in mind. If he did he wouldn't of acted that way over 777 Partners. His pieces are littered with the usual sentimental claptrap

2. People are too blindly just accepting what gets claimed about Textor without stop abs questioning it. You've seen it tonight over questions on his personal wealth

The issues are cultural in the Everton fanbase. There are people that don't want to hear things they don't want to hear.

You're doing it in your post calling me a "sourface"

People should stop. Should quiz. Don't just blindly accept overly emotional sentiment as equal to fact or performance.

That doesn't make me a "sourface". Quizzing or being critical of things.

Stop and think before just accepting

Learn from history. The 20 years of Kenwright and the last 8 with Moshiri and all that nonsense
"I'm not a billionaire" would have been accurate
How did you reach this conclusion? Is he not even rich enough to take a money bath like scrooge mcduck ? Isn't that the metric for being a billionaire these days? I understand your dubious of his means to acquire the club but your basically staging a political ad campaign stating your opposition to this guy who is very cavalier but seems more legit than moshiri or 777 which is incredibly low bar but this are standing due to moshiri and kenwright ineptitude
1. He's not sold his Crystal Palace shares

2. He's not a billionaire and people should disabuse themselves of the notion he is

3. He's not defined who these other parties are and so if his personal wealth is as you say, not relevant - how can anyone judge what he says today

4. Friedkins are billionaires
1 . The Palace share thing is a bit of a red herring . You are right to say he has to dispose of them .
But we are not privy to the negotiations or deals he may be concluding.
If he believes he can assume ownership by 30th November we have to assume he is confident the shares will not be an issue .
Unless we can prove otherwise.
I have never commented on his level of personal wealth because it’s irrelevant, what matters is that he can access the finances to purchase and invest in the club, which he clearly believes he can.
Unless we can prove otherwise.
3. We don’t need to know at this point, who the backers are ( it would be nice to know) all we need to know is that they exist and if they didn’t he wouldn’t be confident of gaining ownership, which he clearly his.
4. The personal wealth of any prospective purchaser is irrelevant.
As mentioned despite the wealth of the Saudis they have discovered there are limits to the amount of money you can inject into the club .
Vast wealth is no longer a guarantor of success.
As long as a purchaser has enough to operate up to the constraints that is sufficient.
What is more important is quality leadership and administration.
The Friedkins may have been wealthy but they didn’t want us enough to overcome any hurdles .
I would prefer someone who values owning Everton more than they did.
Personally I think we would have been behind Roma in the pecking order , so I think we dodged a bullet there.
Thanks for engaging 👍
1. I don't like Alan Myers for how he behaved over 777 Partners. He's a PR mouthpiece and doesn't have Everton Football Club's legitimate interests in mind. If he did he wouldn't of acted that way over 777 Partners. His pieces are littered with the usual sentimental claptrap

2. People are too blindly just accepting what gets claimed about Textor without stop abs questioning it. You've seen it tonight over questions on his personal wealth

The issues are cultural in the Everton fanbase. There are people that don't want to hear things they don't want to hear.

You're doing it in your post calling me a "sourface"

People should stop. Should quiz. Don't just blindly accept overly emotional sentiment as equal to fact or performance.

That doesn't make me a "sourface". Quizzing or being critical of things.

Stop and think before just accepting

Learn from history. The 20 years of Kenwright and the last 8 with Moshiri and all that nonsense
Neither does the Esk but you seem to hang on his every word

Btw where is yours and @pfim for that matters proof on what Textor’s wealth really is?

1. I don't like Alan Myers for how he behaved over 777 Partners. He's a PR mouthpiece and doesn't have Everton Football Club's legitimate interests in mind. If he did he wouldn't of acted that way over 777 Partners. His pieces are littered with the usual sentimental claptrap

2. People are too blindly just accepting what gers claimed about Textor without stop abs questioning it. You've seen it tonight over questions on his personal wealth

The issues are cultural in the Everton fanbase. There are people that don't want to hear things they don't want to hear.

You're doing it in your post calling me a "sourface"

People should stop. Should quiz. Don't just blindly accept overly emotional sentiment as equal to fact or performance.

That doesn't make me a "sourface". Quizzing or being critical of things.

Stop and think before just accepting

Learn from history. The 20 years of Kenwright and the last 8 with Moshiri and all that nonsense
How hard did you question the Friedkin bid ?
There were questions over their stewardship of Roma .
They seemed to overspend , gain some success then abruptly change direction and become overly frugal.
Doesn’t suggest they are shining example of owners , despite their wealth.
But since they didn’t want us it’s all academic now.
You're doing it in your post calling me a "sourface"

People should stop. Should quiz. Don't just blindly accept overly emotional sentiment as equal to fact or performance.

That doesn't make me a "sourface". Quizzing or being critical of things.

Stop and think before just accepting

I liked your posts until recently I always thought you were a sensible poster I'm just catching up and your posts now stand out as very downcast. As for Myers, your opinion, you're entitled to it. I like Myers. Seems that you're bothered about what he's posted in the past but I won't let that cloud my judgement.
I liked your posts until recently I always thought you were a sensible poster I'm just catching up and your posts now stand out as very downcast. As for Myers, your opinion, you're entitled to it. I like Myers. Seems that you're bothered about what he's posted in the past but I won't let that cloud my judgement.

That's right. I am entitled to it.

His "we need calm" post about 777 Partners was disgraceful. Trying to silence people.

He doesn't like criticism but that is more than justified criticism given the Leadenhall case now in the USA ongoing.

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