Two Australian men are walking through the outback one day and they come across a big hole in the ground. Now this hole is huge, like a bottomless pit. So one man says to the other, “I wonder how deep this hole is?”
He then proceeds to pick up a rock and toss it in the hole. They listen... nothing. The other man then grabs a large stick and throws it in.... Nothing.
At this point the two men are really intrigued over this large hole. So they look around a little for something bigger to throw in, and they come across an old car gear box lying on the ground. They both grab an end, walk it over to the hole, and throw it in.
The men are looking down the hole when all of a sudden they hear this noise in the woods. They look over and see a goat running towards them, it’s really going at some pace. Then it jumps right at them, so they both move out of the way and the goat dives into the hole.
The two men are thinking "What the hell was that?" But eventually they decide to just keep walking.
A little further on they run into an old farmer, and the farmer asks them if they’d seen his goat. The two men tell him that they saw a goat come running out of the woods and jump into this huge hole. But the farmer says "Naw mate. That's impossible. I had it tied to an old gear box"