Formerly known as By God I'm Blue
I think you'll find mate that I've been positive about a lot of Koeman's decisions both tactically and also when it comes to player recruitment (See the Scheiderlin thread for proof of this)
What I am is balanced and prepared to criticise when I feel it is valid. I've always been that way, even during the days of the height of the Martinez Cult
You're slowly morphing into Dave here and you can't even see it. You're being as vitriolic for Koeman as he was for Martinez, with no one being allowed to question any of his decisions lest they face your unending wrath
We all lived through the horror of the Martinez Cult, let's knock this hard-line Koemanista stuff on the head whilst we still can eh?
It's okay to say sometimes that you think Koeman isn't infallible. It's healthy in fact
Much love
With all due respect - you are blowing chunks out of your hoop here.
I am not having a Koeman love in by any stretch, in fact far from it.
I am merely pointing out, that if we have decided to invest as Pickford as our long term goalkeeper, then that should be good enough instead of all getting giddy about who we could have had instead.
What you are doing here, which is a bit silly for a sensible chap like yourself, is trying to put me in a category or a box, as a Koeman fanatic. Now that might work with some of the more mentally challenged on here, but not me Mikey