Year after year during the transfer window this happens. Someone who has some info comes on here and generously shares it. In almost all circumstances without a hint of self-aggrandisement and without any wish to be deified. Then, one or two people, get a real bee in their bonnet about other people wanting more info from said someone and want to bring down the "false idol", despite the fact that the informed stranger has never claimed to be some sort of oracle (alright, with one notable exception). The person with the inside track eventually gets fed up with the constant griping and whining and then does one, taking with them all of their info. If you don't like "ITKs" block them, if you don't like people who big up "ITKs" block them too. Don't end up in an endless cyclical row with them and don't tag them in a bunch of your messages if you don't like, or trust, what they have to say.
Most people want these guys around. If you don't, use the block function and leave the rest of us to it.