Rewatched Highlander just now after goodness knows how long.
Still a great flick, despite the special effects being a bit naff and finding Christopher Lambert's accent a bit off-putting.
Yearly rewatch of the greatest action/sci-fi film ever made 10/10
Yearly rewatch of the greatest action/sci-fi film ever made 10/10
Terrible actor, ace films.Arnie made some great movies in the 80's, Terminator, Predator and even Conan the Barbarian, to name few.
Terrible actor, ace films.
T2 is still my favourite film to this day... but there a few that run it very close these days.
DC on track?
Arnie could never be a classical actor, lol, but he was made for them roles, no one could have filled them better, even today as we are finding out with these remakes.
Aye, Arnie was limited but he was never bland like a lot of todays' cardboard actors. He was even pretty good in Kindergarten Cop, some comedy chops there!
Finally got round to watching - The Predator last night.
I really enjoyed it.
It`s not a classic like the first one and it wouldn`t get in my all time top ten, but for all it`s flaws it`s still an entertaining film.
The first 20 mins could be condensed into 5 mins and the female scientist is irrelevant, however the rest of the film worked for me.
It almost blended the one liners of the first film and the slapstick violence of the second together.
Boyd Holbrook in the lead was excellent, the rest of the misfits he teamed up with worked well together and the pace of the film was good too.
It`s not meant to be taken seriously, it`s just a big, loud, Scfi film, that`s entertaining.
@Dylan have you seen it yet ?