I tuned in to a movie last night on Granada Men & Motors called ‘Ken Wright's Good Times 2: Just Drink Oil’, and from the title I thought it was going to be a bawdy comedy in the style of the Carry On films, or the more risqué Russ Meyer movies of the 1970s.
Kinell, it was turgid. Really, really poor, but strangely kept me engaged throughout for two reasons: (1) to see how it ended and (2) some intriguing characters (one lad sellotaped himself to a railing by the neck to protest about something). It was mostly an awful watch and really heavy-going but the implausible ending almost made up for it (though it was obviously a rip-off of the ending to an educational seminar from 1994 called 'A Warning From History: Keep it up with Michael Walker').
I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever want to see it again and loads of the main characters should never work in the industry again because they're an embarrassment to their profession. Having said that, a sequel is almost inevitable and as I'm a connoisseur of late night film content on Granada Men & Motors, I'm sure I'll have to sit through that as well.
Official Rating: 8.5 out of 10