The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)
Sadly, the final movie in the Hammer Dracula franchise. After a... not good opening scene, I very much expected this to be a tough movie to sit through. How wrong was I. After the opening credits it turned into Hammer's own Army of Darkness and it's just pure awesomeness. What an absolute blast of a movie. I genuinely loved every second, even though the fella who played the European Dracula looked like Christopher Lee ordered from Wish. That make up was just terrible lol
Peter Cushing is already one of my favorite actors, and he just confirmed why here. He elevates any movie he's in. I also really enjoyed the fight scenes here as well. Comfortably the best fights in the franchise. Same goes for the special effects. Really well done for a Hammer film. This movie really has it all. Dracula, kung fu vampires, zombies, beautiful asian women. Perfect entertainment. 8/10