Last Film You Watched

The Last Of Us ended up a damp squib. Too many nothing episodes for a series with only 9 episodes. Thought I’d be watching a show with loads of mad infected mushrooms going mental.

Vampyros Lesbos (1971)
Now this is what cinema was invented for. The 90 minutes went by relatively fast, despite the poor German dub. Soledad Miranda made it worth while in my book. I was hoping for a bit more fun though, having loved the movie 'Vampyres' from 1974 - another banger from a Spanish director. This one was totaly different, but still not bad. 6/10

Unsurprisingly not anything new …
Scent of a woman ( again…. But it’s fantastic)
A Beautiful Mind …. (One of my top 10 watches)

Started watching a film about a teacher in a deaf school who falls for one of his students… think it starred Willian hurt … for the life of me I can’t remember the name… but I’ve given up on it as I’ve gone to bed.

Just remembered…. Children of a lesser God ….. it was quite good to be fair but I’m tired.

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