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I was a bit gutted I had to cut it short last night, but still glad I've got some of it to look forward to. Blade Runner II did come to mind when I was watching it, purely for viuals though as I didn't really think BR2 was a great film- I may be a bit biased though as the original is very close to my heart. This Dune however IS a great film (from what I've seen so far anyway).

Blade Runner 2049 gets better with every watch, as you
miss so much initially.

They’ve deliberately gone another way with the filming than the original.

Where as the colour in the original is vivid and lush, every scene complemented by it’s beautiful soundtrack, 2049 is harsh, almost monochrome, with an almost industrial soundtrack and it works wonderfully.

When you watch it, concentrate on the background and the scenery, what their wearing, especially the desert scene and the factory scenes.

It’s just brilliant what they’ve done, much like Dune.

It would’ve been so easy for them to try and do another version of the first, but they had the balls, vision and confidence to go the other way.

if it had tanked it would‘ve ruined a lot of careers and tarnished the first.

So no pressure !

The only mistake ( imo ) is Jared Leto - wrong choice.
Did it in two sessions (4-hour film!). 9/10...instant entry into the Top 50...main reason is the beautiful imagery: so many visually-stunning scenes. The stillness of the camera for such pictures made me think of the annoying propensity of modern movies to always move the camera around, and fast-cut to the next scene. There's a lot of value in creating an arresting image and just holding it for a while.

Peter O'Toole is magnetic, and the music is magnificent. The story is quite complex, I got a little lost at times. But very engaging. Not a dull moment for me. The political machinations behind Lawrence are interesting. The
brutal ending battle left me unsure what to make of Lawrence's character, his rampage was full of mindless battle fury...tho' he did warn of this earlier in the film with his "I enjoyed it" line.

Not without weakness, tho'. Casting Alex Guiness as an Arab Prince felt off, as did his too-mannered performance. Anthony Quinn was more believable as an Arab Tribe-Leader (he also plays in an epic called The Message about the origins of Islam, that's on the watch-list).

The lack of arabic language is a bit strange, quite a bit of willing suspension of disbelief required to accept that. And generally the tropey white saviour role doesn't play as well these days. Lawrence becoming so influential to the Arabs wasn't totally convincing.

These are only minor quibbles. Very interested now to read up on the real Lawrence, and the history of that time.
Was of it's time when they would "brown up" a well known actor to sell the film to Hollywood. Khartoum with a very embarrassing Olivier was a prime example. So many iconic scenes in the film. Along with Barry Lyndon I make sure I watch it once a year at least.
Blade Runner 2049 gets better with every watch, as you
miss so much initially.

They’ve deliberately gone another way with the filming than the original.

Where as the colour in the original is vivid and lush, every scene complemented by it’s beautiful soundtrack, 2049 is harsh, almost monochrome, with an almost industrial soundtrack and it works wonderfully.

When you watch it, concentrate on the background and the scenery, what their wearing, especially the desert scene and the factory scenes.

It’s just brilliant what they’ve done, much like Dune.

It would’ve been so easy for them to try and do another version of the first, but they had the balls, vision and confidence to go the other way.

if it had tanked it would‘ve ruined a lot of careers and tarnished the first.

So no pressure !

The only mistake ( imo ) is Jared Leto - wrong choice.
Very much willing to give it another go based on your recommendation (I've watched it twice). It's not that I don't like it, I just didn't think it was a great film. I might get a chance this weekend. Ryan Gosling was a wrong choice for me though tbh.

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