Last Film You Watched

Blade Runner 2049 gets better with every watch, as you
miss so much initially.

They’ve deliberately gone another way with the filming than the original.

Where as the colour in the original is vivid and lush, every scene complemented by it’s beautiful soundtrack, 2049 is harsh, almost monochrome, with an almost industrial soundtrack and it works wonderfully.

When you watch it, concentrate on the background and the scenery, what their wearing, especially the desert scene and the factory scenes.

It’s just brilliant what they’ve done, much like Dune.

It would’ve been so easy for them to try and do another version of the first, but they had the balls, vision and confidence to go the other way.

if it had tanked it would‘ve ruined a lot of careers and tarnished the first.

So no pressure !

The only mistake ( imo ) is Jared Leto - wrong choice.
Truly great film which only gets better with each viewing. Lucky to see it on a big screen 3 times and it really adds to it seeing it in the larger format, there is just so much detail.

Agree to a point on Leto, he is a pretty horrific over actor, like Jim Carrey without the comedic aspect, but his part is so small that he does kinda disappear amongst the other actors performances.

Was of it's time when they would "brown up" a well known actor to sell the film to Hollywood.
yeah, deffo mistake...especially considering how well Omar Sharif's role was received.

Along with Barry Lyndon I make sure I watch it once a year at least.
Another photographer's film...or rather a painter's film.

Kubrick's Paths of Glory is next...not seen that yet.

Jim Caviezel is a very odd man
Why's that?
how did you like it? got very high ratings on IMDB.
Jim Caviezel is a very odd man
Caviezel is publicly against abortion.[30] In 2006, Caviezel was featured with actress Patricia Heaton and Missouri athletes Kurt Warner and Mike Sweeney in an advertisement opposing Missouri Constitutional Amendment 2, which allowed any form of embryonic stem cell research and therapy in Missouri that is otherwise legal under federal law. He began the advertisement by saying, "Le-bar nash be-neshak" (Aramaic for "You betray the Son of Man with a kiss"), a reference to Judas's betrayal of Jesus Christ and a phrase used in the Gospel According to St. Luke.[48][49] (In the advertisement, the line did not include a translation into English.) Caviezel closed the commercial with the line, "You know now. Don't do it. Vote no on 2." The advertisement was a response to a commercial featuring Michael J. Fox, who favored embryonic stem cell research.[50]

In 2021, Caviezel endorsed some elements of the QAnon theory[51][52] during a remote appearance at the "Health and Freedom Conference"[53][54] at Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.[55] The appearance was to promote the film Sound of Freedom, centering on anti-human trafficking activist Tim Ballard. Ballard's activism has been alleged to correspond to the rise of QAnon, though he denies any connection to the movement.[56] Caviezel mentioned that Ballard was supposed to be appearing at the conference but was "saving victims of trafficking" who were victims of "adrenochroming", a practice whose existence is suggested by QAnon adherents.[57] Caviezel suggested he had seen evidence of children being subjected to the practice.[58] The event included appearances by other QAnon promoters, such as L. Lin Wood[59] and Michael Flynn.[60] In October of the same year, Caviezel spoke in Las Vegas at the "For God & Country: Patriot Double Down" conference, where he mentioned the need to fight child sex trafficking, Satan and liberal values. He claimed that "the storm is upon us", echoing the belief in a final battle against evil and repeated the battle cry of William Wallace in Braveheart, also urging the audience to "[send] Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong".[61]

Christ, I had no idea.

What a bellend.

Caviezel is publicly against abortion.[30] In 2006, Caviezel was featured with actress Patricia Heaton and Missouri athletes Kurt Warner and Mike Sweeney in an advertisement opposing Missouri Constitutional Amendment 2, which allowed any form of embryonic stem cell research and therapy in Missouri that is otherwise legal under federal law. He began the advertisement by saying, "Le-bar nash be-neshak" (Aramaic for "You betray the Son of Man with a kiss"), a reference to Judas's betrayal of Jesus Christ and a phrase used in the Gospel According to St. Luke.[48][49] (In the advertisement, the line did not include a translation into English.) Caviezel closed the commercial with the line, "You know now. Don't do it. Vote no on 2." The advertisement was a response to a commercial featuring Michael J. Fox, who favored embryonic stem cell research.[50]

In 2021, Caviezel endorsed some elements of the QAnon theory[51][52] during a remote appearance at the "Health and Freedom Conference"[53][54] at Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.[55] The appearance was to promote the film Sound of Freedom, centering on anti-human trafficking activist Tim Ballard. Ballard's activism has been alleged to correspond to the rise of QAnon, though he denies any connection to the movement.[56] Caviezel mentioned that Ballard was supposed to be appearing at the conference but was "saving victims of trafficking" who were victims of "adrenochroming", a practice whose existence is suggested by QAnon adherents.[57] Caviezel suggested he had seen evidence of children being subjected to the practice.[58] The event included appearances by other QAnon promoters, such as L. Lin Wood[59] and Michael Flynn.[60] In October of the same year, Caviezel spoke in Las Vegas at the "For God & Country: Patriot Double Down" conference, where he mentioned the need to fight child sex trafficking, Satan and liberal values. He claimed that "the storm is upon us", echoing the belief in a final battle against evil and repeated the battle cry of William Wallace in Braveheart, also urging the audience to "[send] Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong".[61]

Christ, I had no idea.

What a bellend.
copy-paste from wikipedia.

You defending the weirdo QAnon folk

not defending anyone, just curious if anyone has their own opinions about why he's 'odd'. he's deeply religious so of course he'll have conservative views on abortion etc.

but seems he's actively raising awareness about child-trafficking. not a bad thing, no?
not defending anyone, just curious if anyone has their own opinions about why he's 'odd'. he's deeply religious so of course he'll have conservative views on abortion etc.

but seems he's actively raising awareness about child-trafficking. not a bad thing, no?

Absolute oddball:

In October of the same year, Caviezel spoke in Las Vegas at the "For God & Country: Patriot Double Down" conference, where he mentioned the need to fight child sex trafficking, Satan and liberal values. He claimed that "the storm is upon us", echoing the belief in a final battle against evil and repeated the battle cry of William Wallace in Braveheart, also urging the audience to "[send] Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong".[61]
Absolute oddball:

In October of the same year, Caviezel spoke in Las Vegas at the "For God & Country: Patriot Double Down" conference, where he mentioned the need to fight child sex trafficking, Satan and liberal values. He claimed that "the storm is upon us", echoing the belief in a final battle against evil and repeated the battle cry of William Wallace in Braveheart, also urging the audience to "[send] Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong".[61]
Its Wiki, it doesnt count.

But here is a video with him saying the words.


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