deconstructed rep
But he was found not guilty (as with Depp).Spacey found not guilty. Difficult this, I like a lot of his films and have had a crisis of confidence, I was quite happy to bin will smith and all his movies because of how much of a bellend he is (civilians* scientology* woeful rap* a work in progress* that assault*) even though it meant binning 'enemy of the state' and I just lurve Gene Hackman performances. The sheer volume of complaints against Spacey in both the US and UK make this a difficult road back.
On the news now, allen, polanski, depp, re cancelled men. For instance there is a very well know occasion of serious criminality commit by kirk douglas and he's been binned, the size, the magnitude of some careers make some stars very difficult to avoid. Gonna keep wrestling with this as there is no silver bullet that finishes it unfortunately.
What's left to wrestle with?