Clips Ive seen look pretty goodSaw Napoleon at the theatre earlier today. Not a good film at all though I did enjoy the soundtrack and some of the battle scenes (particularly the Russian retreat at Austerlitz).
Didn’t think they captured Napoleon’s intelligence or charisma at all or how post-revolutionary France afforded opportunities to capable outsiders. The Josephine storyline was way overdone as well
Fantastic casting in that film, thought Matt Damon was great as wellOppenheimer
Brilliant piece of storytelling, and Cillian Murphy is just mindblowingly good. What a performance from Robert Downey Jr. as well. 9/10
The brutality of that lifestyle in that period and what people had to live through explains why people of that generation don't break down and cry about trivial things causing them offense so much.
the laughable 'event horizon' in 20 minutes on film4
Turned it off. An artsy film on that time misses the mark completely.Belfast
Best new film I've watched in an age. Wish there was more of this and less of the reboots / super hero nonsense