I caught it as well after a friend recommended it.
Drive : 6/10
Drive is like a movie from the 80's. All style over substance. Its Flashdance without the flashiness or the dancing. The story takes a backseat, and the washed out, sunset tones of West LA take the wheel. Its a quality production no doubt. A triumvirate of Perlman, Cranston and Brooks was a real coup for the film. Massive actors with massiver acting chops. Next big thing Gosling and Hollywood sweetheart Williams as the struggling single parent and there's all your bases covered. Now, as for the plot...its thin. Thinner than thin. It's the oldest play in the playbook. Its that kid that's repeated Primary School so many times he started growing facial hair. You could drive right over the whole story and not even really notice. Not that our protagonist drives all that much. He's more into staring wistfully into space for long periods of time, one word answers and knowing glances down at his chest. I wanted to shake him. I wanted to slap him. WAKE UP FFS! Your getting paid for this! This is just an old car with a new paint job. Everyone plays the game. Everyone dies. Cue hero driving off into the sunset to die, and the right person getting away to live their lives away from the cess and filth of our own moral decline. Or something like that.
Super 8 : 5/10
Fell asleep so I'll have to get back to you on this.
The Shining : 9/10
Super Sunday afternoon fare. Its the kind of film you can watch and it reproduces a different tone with every viewing. Kubricks attention to detail in every facet of the production stands up to this day. Its creepy. Kubrick loves to put you through being uncomfortable. The thumping heart beats, the soundtrack that is constantly sneaking up on you and trying to strangle you, it's the perfection of a genre that still stands up to this day. The low tracking shots following the kid on his tricycle through the Hotel, in the beginning light and playful, turn to scary as the descent into madness takes hold. Stephen King hated this film apparently. It may have been the 3am phone calls form Kubrick to discuss Religion that put him off, but it without doubt his greatest celluloid achievement. The film was shot externally in Oregon, with the interiors all in the Studio in Elstree. The film overshot so long it even delayed Raiders of the Lost Ark!