very good list, Prof...lots of films i've not heard of that sound great, gonna watchlist these:
The Spanish Prisoner
Source Code
Tell No One (i'm assuming the french thriller)
House of Games
Dancin in the Rain (the yugoslavian film?)
The Caine Mutiny
Deception (loads of films with this name, i've gone for the Geoffrey Rush one)
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
oh aye, i can get addicted to series marathons too, but am very choosy...only really done it with Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones plus had a bit of a Doctor Who phase but it's all too silly now.
Martin Sheen's a great actor, immense in Apocalypse Now.
Sounds good that, Maggie Smith's always watchable and I don't mind James Corden.