Kenwright: "Never mention it again and they'll all just forget about it."
This thread nearly dropped onto page 2. Worrying times.
Kenwright: "Never mention it again and they'll all just forget about it."
No updates since 3.08pm. Dear god. Someone must know something. Anything! Just make something up! I need my hit!!
Cold turkey is good.No updates since 3.08pm. Dear god. Someone must know something. Anything! Just make something up! I need my hit!!
No updates since 3.08pm. Dear god. Someone must know something. Anything! Just make something up! I need my hit!!
That's all I needed. Thank you. PhewWhen organisations go quiet and there's no leaks or press comment it's usually a good indicator that the serious business is being negotiated.
I believe we are in the end game now.
No updates since 3.08pm. Dear god. Someone must know something. Anything! Just make something up! I need my hit!!
Typical. Vintage EvertonAwaiting a delivery for new trestle tables before we make announcement.