Getting a bit tired of hearing how he has the potential now. You can count on one hand how many good games he's had this season.
He just doesn't move. MOVE!!! So slow at what he does. After he has found a team mate, he'll stop and just watch the play unfolding as if he's done his part. No anticipation off the ball whatsoever. Will NOT move and create space for himself and will not move to drag defenders with him. Very frustrating to watch and very ordinary all season. If we are to be honest, he has been this way for the last 12 months...... including the end of last season and the world cup.
Did I mention his movement? Or total lack there of. It's of no surprise that he's continually caught offside, through his lack of movement and anticipation. It's got nothing to do with players not releasing the ball earlier; it's because he stands still and gets caught as the defence push up. He's easy to play against right now. His legs look heavy and he takes an age to decide what he wants to do.
'But he's young mate, so young, potential mate ' blah blah. How long are we going to keep saying this ? He's been first choice now for almost 2 seasons. I'm no pro but I would think that's plenty of games to learn a thing or three, regardless of age.
Goodness me. *sigh* tired of seeing that dumb look on his face. He's got a lot of work to do in the pre season if you ask me. He isn't the only one though.
2 more games lads. Just 2 more....