Good point, but Baines as been like that his whole Everton career. I just can't understand it when the likes of Baines & Garbutt stand off a player out wide? You have to get tight and either force the man to take you on and beat you or play a pass back, but don't give em the space to whip in a cross!
But we signed Baines at Garbutt's age and tbh I don't think I can remember Baines showing the same capabilities as what Garbutt is currently, especially going forward with his crossing and deliveries from set pieces?!
The lad is still very young and got a lot to learn but already looks to have the potential and talent to be a cracking FB and we need to get him signed up to a long term deal, get him fighting for his place with Baines and then in time, take his place, cos more so than Oviedo, Garbutt is Bainesy's successor at LB for me!