Where would he keep his bollocks in them trousers Bry?Also. Don't think he looks particuly out of shape there, that photo is a bad one, and he is wearing his birds jeans I reckon. Gravity defying.
Oh yeah, wasn't there something about De Gea eating lots of tacos?I think he arrived at Man U on the back of Moyes leaving, seeing a lad of 18 on £100k a week and £30m price tag, I think LVG just came down like a ton of bricks I him as an example.
It happened to De Gea as well. I think LS will be the eventual number 1 LB for England and UTD I about 5 years if he gets over this difficult stage
Also. Don't think he looks particuly out of shape there, that photo is a bad one, and he is wearing his birds jeans I reckon. Gravity defying.
yup, most players just want regular first team footie especially young players. Unfortunately with Garbutt he's plays at our strongest position depth wiseI don't think the money being discussed is anything less than what he'd get elsewhere.
If Garbutt goes, I imagine it'll be because he doesn't believe he's going to get many opportunities to play at Everton.
he's talented obviously, but boy i wish i could be offered 25k a week to do a hobby after being relatively unproven.
I know what you mean of course, but it did give me a good chuckle to describe someone who's started premier league football matches as someone doing a hobby that they're relatively unproven at.
Tbh his agent has probably advised waiting to see how the England U21 Euros go. If Garbutt gets ahead of Shaw (due to either injuries or performances) and England do well in the competition there will probably be some interesting offers on the table - if not then the one at Everton with a loan is a good option anyway.The lad looks decent, therefore I hope he stays, but if he doesn't want to play for us then I don't want him.
If he wanted to stay, he'd have signed by now. He's got bags of potential, and probably should've played more this season, but at the end of the day, he's been offered a good amount of money while unestablished - most others would bite hands off for that.
Doesn't seem like he'll stay, but it's not the end of the world. Agents, this.
And that's probably why he hasn't yet signed, no matter how generous the contract is in monetary terms.The lad looks decent, therefore I hope he stays, but if he doesn't want to play for us then I don't want him.
If he wanted to stay, he'd have signed by now. He's got bags of potential, and probably should've played more this season, but at the end of the day, he's been offered a good amount of money while unestablished - most others would bite hands off for that.
Doesn't seem like he'll stay, but it's not the end of the world. Agents, this.
And that's probably why he hasn't yet signed, no matter how generous the contract is in monetary terms.
The lad is nearly 22, and wants to be playing football more often than he has been and nobody can blame the lad for that.
If he leaves to get more regular playing time elsewhere, then good on the lad for wanting to play football rather than spend most on the season getting splinters in his backside.