Man City v Everton. 6th Dec at 17.30.

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I honestly think it's only going to get worse mate. He's making mistake after mistake week in week out.

Osman for mirallas was moyes if I've ever seen it

I agree

I don't see this getting any better in regards to performances, This is as bad as anything served up by Moyes
Not turboawful. Should have finished 0-0 but it didn't.

CAN WE PLEASE PRACTICE FREE KICKS NOW???????????????????????????

No mate. In Martinez's fantasy eutopia, set pieces don't exist. The only true way to play football is to pass the opposition off the park and walk the ball in the net every single time

He probably shouts at the players in training when they score direct from a corner

I reckon, if you take out the fact that Clattenburg's game was against Liverpool, this display has surpassed him.

clattenburg had quite possibly taken a bung of some sort. given he's got form for it and it bent as a bob, it was the most shocking thing i've seen on a football field and it got rewarded.

this performance from marriner was just totally inept. a city player, i think it was milner made a dive and he waved it away, barkley does it and he blows up and gives him a yellow. there was the same amount of contact on barkley's "dive" as there was for the penalty that was given.

these things never ever themselves out, anyone who says that about everton is talking out of their arse tbh. i don't remember everton games where we have loads on loads of decisions go in our favour. the odd soft penalty yes.

i hope martinez rips the absolte rear end into him. we're way too kind about referees. every single one in this league is incompatant. you will not see many people perform that spectacularly bad in their everyday work and get away with it
We didn't have that many shots but to be honest we restricted Man City also. I am not saying we deserved anything from the game but they didn't do a hell of a lot themselves except show us how to pass, move and keep possession.
Ah come on ! But for a shity ref we would have been odds on to win against a 10 man city without their [Poor language removed] non penalty.

When did our fans turn into rs, this over-reaction is pathetic. Its just a game. We lost 1 nil to the champions, which was given to them by the ref and then we're protected by the ref till the whistle blew. We're in bad form and this wasn't the game we needed tonight. We cant turn this into a crisis like the rs do at every loss. There no need to add extra pressure on to the manager and players by acting like dickheads. Martinez is still learning and we're also qualified through the Euro groups already, This season got a lot of twists left. I must still be the only excited fan on here.

Well said
Second half was much better once Barkley came on. Don't know why people are slagging him off. Gave us much more impetus from the middle of the park with his power and skill and hit some great passes.

Think he needs to start deeper alongside Besic or McCarthy with Eto'o in the number 10 role. That's his best position. We don't need two holding midfielders.

Distin and Barry are clearly finished. Their legs have completely gone.

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