Good post, but I think you are wrong that is not about money. It is about money, the Pozzos are businessmen, but the sums we are talking about are quite different. I've copied a post from the Watford board which sums it up perfectly, I think:
Everton fans think its all down to giving us a couple more million than they offered. "It's all down to money".
Well in a way thats right, but only if we can find a new manager who we feel is risk free and will continue the good work and get us into the top ten where we appear to be heading. Everton fans - how easy is it to find a new manager 1/3 of the way into the season?
How much risk is involved?
If we thought losing the coach at this point could see a predicted finish of 13th, 14th or 15th instead of 8th, 9th 10th then we lose about 6 to 10 million in prize money. Any offer so far from Everton ONLY covers anticipated loss of income from disrupting our coach halfway through a season. We parted ways with Joka, QSF and Walter of course, but waited until the close season exactly because it's a ball ache finding someone. Additionally if we went to huddersfield (for example) for Wagner we would expect them to want some compo, whats the point in accepting 10m from Everton to have to pay 6m to replace? Or we get Pardew in for free.
The additional risk is that we do not manage to find a suitable coach and whoever they put in flops badly leaving us in the relegation fight. If we were to get relegated would 20/30/40m be worthwhile compensation from Everton? The answer is emphatically no.
If Everton called in January and we had 28 points, then we could probably weigh up the risk of relegation and say it's so small and only need consider compensation to cover the potential drop in prize money. I've mentioned Troy Deeneys Leicester bids, 25m was a lot, but they clearly turned it down due to the effect it could have had, the risk analysis said we're better off 25m poorer short term, for greater chance of longer term economic benefit. Iggy could have gone to Man Utd but we only sold him when he lost form and became unimportant to the team.
So is it easy to find a manager 1/3 through the season? Ask Everton.