You would hope they had the foresight to insert a clause in his contract to the effect that they could get rid at any given moment ?
Martinez had good points. I really think he had a good idea about how to crack the top 4 without large funding. He absolutely improved our youth development (or maybe Rhino did, but Martinez certainly didn't get in the way of that), and clearly had a vision for growing a team from young, raw players.
It's a good idea.
Too bad it would require a manager with an ounce of tactical awareness.
Poor Belgium. Stuck with the bad bits.
I mean, it was Spain like, hardly an embarassing loss
He'll soon put manners on themBelgium do fancy themselves as a top 5 side though.
(Overrated and less than the sum of their parts, I'd say, but my opinion doesn't change their perception.)
How we hoped.
lol...on any subject Martinez-related, you Comelot."Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot"