Good morning all. My brother and I had a few glasses of wine last night and put some plans into place as to how we approach the situation. Apparently I am in charge of all things Catholic ' you still believe Ang, I can't be arsed with all that' We need the coroner to do what they have to do before we can get a death certificate.
He told my brother ages ago that he wants exactly the same arrangements as our Mum and all the details are on his computer. So Requiem Mass at St Francis in Garston and afterwards in the Cricket Club.
I hope you don't mind if I tell you a story about him. It is also my earliest memory of Everton. As you know, he was a seafarer. When I was about 4 he got a job in Nigeria. We went to live there. In 1966 Everton reached the FA Cup Final. I distinctly remember my Dad glued to the radio listening to the match. It wasn't going well. My Nan ( his mother in law) had sent him a blue and white hat and scarf she had knitted. So he put them in, in the tropical heat of Lagos, he was listening to the radio wearing a woolly hat and scarf! However it did the trick because we won. Overturned a 2 -0 deficit to win 3-2.
. And I'm fairly sure that was when Everton bit me!
He told my brother ages ago that he wants exactly the same arrangements as our Mum and all the details are on his computer. So Requiem Mass at St Francis in Garston and afterwards in the Cricket Club.
I hope you don't mind if I tell you a story about him. It is also my earliest memory of Everton. As you know, he was a seafarer. When I was about 4 he got a job in Nigeria. We went to live there. In 1966 Everton reached the FA Cup Final. I distinctly remember my Dad glued to the radio listening to the match. It wasn't going well. My Nan ( his mother in law) had sent him a blue and white hat and scarf she had knitted. So he put them in, in the tropical heat of Lagos, he was listening to the radio wearing a woolly hat and scarf! However it did the trick because we won. Overturned a 2 -0 deficit to win 3-2.