Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Happy Friday @messymascot y amigos y amigas. Sorry I haven't stopped by but we arrived to the beach and at the house we rented the Wi-Fi has not been working. But this place is paradise so no complaints. I have yet to catch up with the previous post but I did notice that Everton had a draw against Chelsea, that was a nice surprise. Although I have yet to read if it was luck or if we actually played well. We have been enjoying the Pacific coast and the beauty of Costa Rica, what a gorgeous country and the people are just super friendly and welcoming. Our experiences have been very good, except for last night when driving home after dinner we almost got run out of the road by a four wheeler. Thankfully my hubby is an excellent driver and we avoid a bad accident but our daughter was traumatized for a bit and couldn't stopped crying as she really thought we were going to die :( Today our adventures continue but I wanted to check on dear Karl before we don't have internet again. I'm still thinking about you, mate. Sending a huge hug your way and a kiss too. xo
We all knew it was inevitable, but it's still incredibly sad to hear of Karl's death. I haven't posted in here for a week due to some personal stuff, but I just wanted to say a few words about our inspirational friend Messy.

I never met Karl, but it's clear to anyone who got to know him a little on here that he was a lovely, considerate, funny person who showed such bravery, dignity and positivity after being told he was terminally ill and the traumatic experience he had to go through as his condition got progressively worse.

Despite everything he had to endure, he was always concerned about others and how they were doing. I think that endeared him to me more than anything.

This thread is Messy's legacy to GOT and we owe it to him to keep it going. I, for one, will continue to post here in his memory, but also because those who post regularly in here are such lovely people.

RIP Messy/Karl. So glad to have got to know you. I'll never forget you mate. X
Dear Karl, I'm going to miss you so, so much ? but you are now angel so fly away to a better place. I love you ?

I felt an angel near today, though one I could not see
I felt an angel oh so close, sent to comfort me

I felt an angel’s kiss, soft upon my cheek
And oh, without a single word of caring did it speak

I felt an angel’s loving touch, soft upon my heart
And with that touch, I felt the pain and hurt within depart

I felt an angel’s tepid tears, fall softly next to mine
And knew that as those tears did dry a new day would be mine

I felt an angel’s silken wings enfold me with pure love
And felt a strength within me grow, a strength sent from above

I felt an angel oh so close, though one I could not see
I felt an angel near today, sent to comfort me.

We all knew it was inevitable, but it's still incredibly sad to hear of Karl's death. I haven't posted in here for a week due to some personal stuff, but I just wanted to say a few words about our inspirational friend Messy.

I never met Karl, but it's clear to anyone who got to know him a little on here that he was a lovely, considerate, funny person who showed such bravery, dignity and positivity after being told he was terminally ill and the traumatic experience he had to go through as his condition got progressively worse.

Despite everything he had to endure, he was always concerned about others and how they were doing. I think that endeared him to me more than anything.

This thread is Messy's legacy to GOT and we owe it to him to keep it going. I, for one, will continue to post here in his memory, but also because those who post regularly in here are such lovely people.

RIP Messy/Karl. So glad to have got to know you. I'll never forget you mate. X

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Came out for some quiet reflection but my kids followed me and I was coerced into putting Chrimbo music on and so now it’s turned into a party. Best laid plans, and all that.

Anyway, here’s to you Special K. Cheers, mate. Goodnight, god bless.
That's no bad thing. Celebrate a life that touched so many hearts.
Good evening my lovelies. What a sad day today has been. I've been thinking a lot about Messy, as we all have. Such dignity, such warmth and such a beautiful soul. It's also made me think about friendship. I like many of the people in this forum without knowing them. They make me smile, they are good decent folks. The Depression thread is one of the most amazing things ever. The support is phenomenal. Over the last few months I feel that I have actually made friends with people on here. and in other conversations - The GOT ladies are now a tight little bunch! We've all shared parts of our lives, we've chatted about rubbish and more serious matters. I've never met any of the people on here but this forum has shown that you can have friends who you have never met and who you genuinely care about. Long may it continue.

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