It is. Some people have the knees and youth to walk up to it.That's amazing.
Went to see a lad who I met about 35 years ago, just because we were the only people in the Winslow. For the next 15 years we kept in touch and I was able to get him tickets when he came over. Then I went over to his gaffe for the Bergen game. Next year (2009) I was able to get him a ticket for Wembley and he turned up with this beauty on his arm. Now just in case he’s reading this, I don’t care, she was way out of his league . For the last 15 years I have seen him numerous times and Randi loved Ladies day at the National, always in the posh bit. Unfortunately last year she was diagnosed with cancer, with no chance of remission. The couple got married just before Christmas and hoped to celebrate that and her 60th. She missed it by a couple of weeks. A beautiful woman taken far too early.