It does have a feel of 1997 about it but without the excitement of coming change. People are that distrustful of politicians now there is an undercurrent of plus ca change. And we don’t have Britpop soundtracking it this time either.Wipeout. Sunak is a backstabbing idiot with no political skills, supported by another idiot , Hunt, who messed up their promises in the budgets. I truly believe these two have no idea what they did when they shafted Boris. I’m in a farming Conservative area and all I hear, and bear in mind it’s mostly pub customers, is how upset they were regarding the shenanigans to get rid of Boris, and even worse to end up with a nonentity bean counter and his mate who nobody voted for as the MP’s stitched it up. ..they are toast around here and as I say it’s as conservative as it comes.,,,personally I won’t be voting and I hope they all get voted out, it’s what they themselves did and now they have to live with the consequences…….
There is an article on the BBC website entitled ‘Is this the dullest election ever in NI’. It’s a fair point too as beyond further splintering of Unionism (all about Brexit not being hard enough essentially) it will be same old. Wider demographic voting patterns again will be the headline grabber rather than politics itself.
Despite all of this, I think I will revel in Col Tim Collins being firmly rejected at the ballot box. Many insulting comments aside, his woes of insuring his Rolls Royce doesn’t seem to have rallied voters to his cause