Hi everybody. Happy Friday. It's the Durham Miners' Gala tomorrow so I'm going to do overtime and then go into Durham and listen to the speeches. There are speakers from the FBU, Unison, NEU and ASLEF. Sadly no RMT speakers - who are my favourite union, apart from PCS of course, and nobody gets close to the late Bob Crow for delivering a proper old fashioned tub thumping speech. There might also be a few beers consumed. This of course entirely depends on the weather. I'm not going if it's raining. I've done my bit standing out in the pouring rain.

I've also booked to go and see an open air ( well in a very large tent) performance of As You Like It on the green in front of Durham Cathedral. It will be a stunning setting and is part of the Durham Fringe Festival. That's on 24th July. My friend's daughter is desperately trying to make it as an actress and she has a part in it. I'm not really a huge fan of Shakespeare but it will be something different.
@Terrarian I've just been reading that ex Slipknot d
rummer Jay Weinberg has been filling in for his Dad, Max on some of Bruce Springsteen's European dates.
Have a nice evening everybody x