Welcome back Wayne
OMG I am so happy for both of you and all your family. Have a nice glass of something and sleep well tonight x
I’ll drink to that….. hic…….
OMG I am so happy for both of you and all your family. Have a nice glass of something and sleep well tonight x
What you drinking.I’ll drink to that….. hic…….
What you drinking.
Good lad enjoy it.A glass of white wine mate, but don’t ask me the name, I just drink whatever my lad puts in front of me…….
Good lad enjoy it.
Nice one bro.I certainly will. I’m just watching the Godfather for about the 50th time as well. Life doesn’t get better than this at the moment…..
So a double is was ,I am so pleased I could bust .Hi folks. I have the best news. Chris's scan showed nothing other than inflammation of the lymph nodes. So belt and braces treatment rather than a much more powerful treatment. I am cannot articulate how happy I am. Thank you all for your good wishes x
Brilliant news!!! So happy to read this.Hi folks. I have the best news. Chris's scan showed nothing other than inflammation of the lymph nodes. So belt and braces treatment rather than a much more powerful treatment. I am cannot articulate how happy I am. Thank you all for your good wishes x
More fantastic news! Delighted for you both blue.Good morning all on this incredibly happy day ,I got the pdf yesterday and it seems there is no need for treatment,no soft tissue cancer just degeneration in my left hip where I suffered as a child so now it hopefully remains just monitoring my blood .The doctor said they will offer treatment if needed in two months .My big wish now is that Chris makes it a double today and that @anjelikaferrett gets out the bubbly too.
I hope all have as happy day today as we will because this has been a trial for the missus too .COYB
A friend of ours was the head of a private clinic and an American guy came in for treatment they were then asked for the bill my his insurance ,they knew the costs were high so they decided to double it ,they received a reply thanking them for the initial exploratory bill and that they would look forward to the final bill .How can it be so different the world over ? Once again so happy for Chris and you all .Good morning all. I rang Chris last night once we got home. He told me his follow-up treatment will be immunotherapy every six weeks for a year. He also said that had he been American the cost would be $175,000. The NHS is amazing when you look at things like that.
Oh how awful.This is very sad , four hours away from where we live, looking at the pictures and reports it looks like the whole town has gone up in flames
Wow, we were planning to visit Jasper in about 13 months time. Didn't realise the summer weather was so bad.This is very sad , four hours away from where we live, looking at the pictures and reports it looks like the whole town has gone up in flames