Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Now technically, if you are not affected by alcohol, I.e. not drunk, you remain sober…just trying to give you an out if needed……
Thanks Blue. If I'm honest I could have a cheeky beer at the cricket and no one would be any the wiser but me and the Mrs both agreed to abstain for the month so I'd feel bad if I unilaterally cheated.

Now if she wilted and gives in to temptation this afternoon, that's a different matter!

Golfing trip with 23 of my mates, we lost 2 very close friends over the last year so it’s named after them as they where a big part of our group,

We will raise a glass(or two) for two good lads taking far to early,

Have a great weekend folks
I love that. Remember them with all the lads together having a good time.
You need a drink to cope with the shock Pete.

Panic over, it looks like the cleaner, even though told not to do so several times, emptied her bucket into the sink behind the bar with a resultant splash soaking a number of electric sockets underneath. An electrician has dealt with it and a plumber will deal with the sink…..I think your suggestion of a drink will be the order of the day…there goes my sober September 😂………..
Panic over, it looks like the cleaner, even though told not to do so several times, emptied her bucket into the sink behind the bar with a resultant splash soaking a number of electric sockets underneath. An electrician has dealt with it and a plumber will deal with the sink…..I think your suggestion of a drink will be the order of the day…there goes my sober September 😂………..
You are only but a man Pete and it would be foolhardy to deny yourself a straightener after all the drama. I have no such excuses though as my afternoon was pleasant but I’m going for a pint anyway.
Me and Mrs J had a lovely day out yesterday.

We went to Sefton Park and had a guided tour and talk about the Palm House. Really interesting, never knew that the Suffragettes tried to blow it up and only denied by the weather and that the Swedish scientist who invented botanical names for plants was guilty of scientific racism.

Anyway afterwards we toddled off to our old haunt of Lark Lane. The Albert , Keith's , Maramtos going strong. Still busy even at 4 pm and had a lovely Turkish lunch ( Imam and barbequed Seabass for me - with a glass of water you will be impressed to hear ) £30 for the 2 of us. Bargain and great food.

Mind you the drive home via Queens Drive was a nightmare.
Glad to see you're taking Mrs J to all the classy places :lol:

Is the road by the dip under the bridge still closed off? I'm sure last time I was up it was closed again because it had re-flooded, despite all the remedial works. I used to live about 20 yards from there.

Abstaining is really not that easy on the days that you are used to having a tipple. Having said that, when I am being good, I love that Saturday morning feeling of a clear head with the whole day ahead of me.
My days of abstinence tend to coincide with hangovers. The worse the hangover the longer the abstinence.:lol:

I don't have a hangover today so I shall be partaking in my usual Friday tipple.
Morning all from sunny Zákynthos! It’s been low 30s here, very humid with a little cloud. Still no baby news and I’ve got my phone on loud and close by 24/7. The internet here is a bit sketchy, but the ouzo is just as delicious as ever which is why I’m still in bed at 9.30 local time. Below is the view from our room early yesterday morning.
Have a great Friday everyone 💙🇬🇷
Have a great holiday Val.

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