Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Big day Thursday. My mate who died is having a church service before everyone comes down to the pub for a wake. I’ve two friends who now find walking at all almost impossible without a zimmer frame and I have to pick up both to take to the church, then the pub, then home, before I can switch off. My son has closed his shop tomorrow and will sit with my wife while all this is going on. I took his wife, son and dil, and two grandsons out tonight and they are all fine. The pub is prepared, manager and staff briefed, food organised etc and we will do the family proud. Extra special attention is obviously being given to all of this because the staff know how close I am to his family. So it’s going to be a long day, I will still have to do certain functions for my wife that I cannot expect my son to do. So if I’m not around tomorrow you know why. In advance, have a great day all…..
Will be thinking of you today. 💙
Good morning all on this overcast day .I hope all had a good night especially @anjelikaferrett after her terrible day and have a great day today . Only shopping on the agenda for us today and our walk to the horses who sadly are returning to their stables after their summer rest on Monday . There is something lovely about an animal starting to recognise you even though you are just a walking foodbank to them .Have a great day all COYB.
I'm not one for euphemisms ; my mother is currently in the process of dying. She's 93, so she's had a long and mostly happy life in the main, and now at home. Obviously, it's not a pleasant experience, especially for my step father, but it comes to us all in the end.

I just have one pertinent observation to make. The NHS comes in for a lot of criticism, no doubt some of it is justified. I have to say though that the care we have received in the last weeks and months has been exemplary. Two care workers come three times a day. A district nurse comes every other day, or we can phone her up and she will come. Her doctor has given us a special phone number and he'll also come at any time. Tonight, 04.00 pm, my mother was in some distress, we rang yet another number, and within fifteen minutes two nurses came and sorted her out. Also, two McMillan nurses come three times a week, or more if requested. We have been given a vast amount of medicines and liquid food, all prescribed and given on the same day

They all come with a sunny disposition, putting us at ease, and explaining any queries we have clearly and succinctly. I honestly don't know how we would have coped without them. God knows how much all of this would cost if we had to pay. The NHS is a godsend, and we lose it at our peril.
Exactly this.
My Mum was in hospital and nearing the end which she so wanted to be in her own home. She was very near to the point where transferring her would have been impossible. The hospital and McMillan fast-tracked the procedure to get her home quickly and to put in place the necessary care. She passed away aged 90 in her beloved home, just as she wished, less than 48 hours later.
Thanks so much for sharing. My thoughts and best wishes to you and your stepfather.💙
I'm not one for euphemisms ; my mother is currently in the process of dying. She's 93, so she's had a long and mostly happy life in the main, and now at home. Obviously, it's not a pleasant experience, especially for my step father, but it comes to us all in the end.

I just have one pertinent observation to make. The NHS comes in for a lot of criticism, no doubt some of it is justified. I have to say though that the care we have received in the last weeks and months has been exemplary. Two care workers come three times a day. A district nurse comes every other day, or we can phone her up and she will come. Her doctor has given us a special phone number and he'll also come at any time. Tonight, 04.00 pm, my mother was in some distress, we rang yet another number, and within fifteen minutes two nurses came and sorted her out. Also, two McMillan nurses come three times a week, or more if requested. We have been given a vast amount of medicines and liquid food, all prescribed and given on the same day

They all come with a sunny disposition, putting us at ease, and explaining any queries we have clearly and succinctly. I honestly don't know how we would have coped without them. God knows how much all of this would cost if we had to pay. The NHS is a godsend, and we lose it at our peril.
Oh bless, I hope her passing is peaceful and pain free. The things she must have seen and changes in the world during her long life must be staggering. The service she is receiving is exactly what she deserves and as it should be and I am pleased to hear it. My thoughts are with you all 💙
I'm not one for euphemisms ; my mother is currently in the process of dying. She's 93, so she's had a long and mostly happy life in the main, and now at home. Obviously, it's not a pleasant experience, especially for my step father, but it comes to us all in the end.

I just have one pertinent observation to make. The NHS comes in for a lot of criticism, no doubt some of it is justified. I have to say though that the care we have received in the last weeks and months has been exemplary. Two care workers come three times a day. A district nurse comes every other day, or we can phone her up and she will come. Her doctor has given us a special phone number and he'll also come at any time. Tonight, 04.00 pm, my mother was in some distress, we rang yet another number, and within fifteen minutes two nurses came and sorted her out. Also, two McMillan nurses come three times a week, or more if requested. We have been given a vast amount of medicines and liquid food, all prescribed and given on the same day

They all come with a sunny disposition, putting us at ease, and explaining any queries we have clearly and succinctly. I honestly don't know how we would have coped without them. God knows how much all of this would cost if we had to pay. The NHS is a godsend, and we lose it at our peril.
Thank you for sharing this. The NHS is indeed a treasure to be looked after and cherished. Much love to you and yours.

Big day Thursday. My mate who died is having a church service before everyone comes down to the pub for a wake. I’ve two friends who now find walking at all almost impossible without a zimmer frame and I have to pick up both to take to the church, then the pub, then home, before I can switch off. My son has closed his shop tomorrow and will sit with my wife while all this is going on. I took his wife, son and dil, and two grandsons out tonight and they are all fine. The pub is prepared, manager and staff briefed, food organised etc and we will do the family proud. Extra special attention is obviously being given to all of this because the staff know how close I am to his family. So it’s going to be a long day, I will still have to do certain functions for my wife that I cannot expect my son to do. So if I’m not around tomorrow you know why. In advance, have a great day all…..
I don’t post here enough but you’ll be in my thoughts today Pete
Big day Thursday. My mate who died is having a church service before everyone comes down to the pub for a wake. I’ve two friends who now find walking at all almost impossible without a zimmer frame and I have to pick up both to take to the church, then the pub, then home, before I can switch off. My son has closed his shop tomorrow and will sit with my wife while all this is going on. I took his wife, son and dil, and two grandsons out tonight and they are all fine. The pub is prepared, manager and staff briefed, food organised etc and we will do the family proud. Extra special attention is obviously being given to all of this because the staff know how close I am to his family. So it’s going to be a long day, I will still have to do certain functions for my wife that I cannot expect my son to do. So if I’m not around tomorrow you know why. In advance, have a great day all…..
Will be thinking of you today Pete. You will do him proud.
Big day Thursday. My mate who died is having a church service before everyone comes down to the pub for a wake. I’ve two friends who now find walking at all almost impossible without a zimmer frame and I have to pick up both to take to the church, then the pub, then home, before I can switch off. My son has closed his shop tomorrow and will sit with my wife while all this is going on. I took his wife, son and dil, and two grandsons out tonight and they are all fine. The pub is prepared, manager and staff briefed, food organised etc and we will do the family proud. Extra special attention is obviously being given to all of this because the staff know how close I am to his family. So it’s going to be a long day, I will still have to do certain functions for my wife that I cannot expect my son to do. So if I’m not around tomorrow you know why. In advance, have a great day all…..
Thinking of you and family today Pete.
Good morning all on this wet day here .I hope all went well for @peteblue , the wandering girls have settled back into life at home and the rest had a lovely rest last night .I am getting to like the words John Textor is saying ,with his experience it must be better than Moshiri .
Have a great day all COYB
If you haven't seen the prematch presser then noise at the club ,twenty months and hard yards will save you the time .
Although he did introduce a new term Nuts and Bolts so now we all understand football tactics .
Morning all, bright and very chilly here. Mr G. is considering putting the heating on low, not for us you understand, but for grandson who will be arriving soon. 🙄 Hope you arrived home safely @anjelikaferrett and that the farewell to your friend went well @peteblue . Today I will be mostly baking, I’m testing a recipe for a birthday cake for grandkid no4, himself is off for blood test and blood pressure check- good job Everton aren’t playing. 😂 Have a good day, all.💙

Morning all, nice bright start to the day here so hopefully husband can do the gardens and I can get washing out to dry. Hope yesterday went as well as it could for you @peteblue. Enjoy spending time with your grandson @Gwladysover. I’m very mindful about not being overbearing with our new family and letting them have time on their own to bond, even though I’d be happy to spend time with her 24/7 at the moment, so I was thrilled that they are coming for tea tomorrow so my son and husband can watch the football together. Somehow Everton has lost its attraction and I’ve been promised a walk with the pram if the weather holds 🤞🤞🤞.
Have a great Friday everyone 💙
Morning everyone,

Hope yesterday went as well as possible @peteblue .

@anjelikaferrett are you now home and finally resting after that nightmare journey home?

Very cold here today. We have resisted the temptation to put the heating on so far but getting very close. Happily the weekend should be sunny and next week the temperature rises to a balmy 18-20° yay! That said Granny's heating has been on all week.

Unfortunately Everton are back playing but I'm expecting nothing other than a thumping at Villa so anything less than 4-0 is a bonus.

Mrs J off to the shop this morning and I think we might go out to lunch later.

Ah well better get up and feed the outdoor animals so have a lovely day everyone.
Thanks guys, it all went well for the family. It was obviously a very emotional day but it went like clockwork and I was very proud of our staff who had arranged everything, one of whom said to me you can stop stressing now Pete. She was right, I left earlier than I expected in order to check on my wife and son, sat down and went straight to sleep having barely touched a pint at the wake. I’ll see the family later on today just to check everything is ok.

Have a great day all, see you all later…….
Morning all, bright and very chilly here. Mr G. is considering putting the heating on low, not for us you understand, but for grandson who will be arriving soon. 🙄 Hope you arrived home safely @anjelikaferrett and that the farewell to your friend went well @peteblue . Today I will be mostly baking, I’m testing a recipe for a birthday cake for grandkid no4, himself is off for blood test and blood pressure check- good job Everton aren’t playing. 😂 Have a good day, all.💙

Morning everyone,

Hope yesterday went as well as possible @peteblue .

@anjelikaferrett are you now home and finally resting after that nightmare journey home?

Very cold here today. We have resisted the temptation to put the heating on so far but getting very close. Happily the weekend should be sunny and next week the temperature rises to a balmy 18-20° yay! That said Granny's heating has been on all week.

Unfortunately Everton are back playing but I'm expecting nothing other than a thumping at Villa so anything less than 4-0 is a bonus.

Mrs J off to the shop this morning and I think we might go out to lunch later.

Ah well better get up and feed the outdoor animals so have a lovely day everyone.
Folks, it is freezing. Put the heating on and crank it up. Don’t have me tell you again.

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