I'm not one for euphemisms ; my mother is currently in the process of dying. She's 93, so she's had a long and mostly happy life in the main, and now at home. Obviously, it's not a pleasant experience, especially for my step father, but it comes to us all in the end.
I just have one pertinent observation to make. The NHS comes in for a lot of criticism, no doubt some of it is justified. I have to say though that the care we have received in the last weeks and months has been exemplary. Two care workers come three times a day. A district nurse comes every other day, or we can phone her up and she will come. Her doctor has given us a special phone number and he'll also come at any time. Tonight, 04.00 pm, my mother was in some distress, we rang yet another number, and within fifteen minutes two nurses came and sorted her out. Also, two McMillan nurses come three times a week, or more if requested. We have been given a vast amount of medicines and liquid food, all prescribed and given on the same day
They all come with a sunny disposition, putting us at ease, and explaining any queries we have clearly and succinctly. I honestly don't know how we would have coped without them. God knows how much all of this would cost if we had to pay. The NHS is a godsend, and we lose it at our peril.