Good morning all on this beautiful day ,I hope all are as well as can be and some are still sober .
The snow blower turned into a saga yesterday ,the only part I could find was in the UK but they wouldn't post to Finland I had rung a shop that I get lawnmower parts but they didn't have one and said the guy they get it from would probably buy it from Amazon ,I had looked and they didn't have it ,so I arranged with my daughter to send it to her and she would then post it on which would take ages .
Then the phone rang and it was this shop who said he had found a used one in the back,I asked how much ? He said 40€ ,I said "What I thought it was Christmas ?" he let me have it for 20€ ,Made my day as I am as tight as a ducks a**e.
Today I am mostly chopping wood .Have a great day all.