We have the eggs but don't milk the sheep.
Fresh eggs is a good enough treat from your chicken pets.
Morning all ,yet another day for the poor Ukranian people to endure ,I think the west have thrown them under the bus and won't act until the devil tries it on an ally.What a sad state of affairs .
I hope all have a great day .
Just when I thought spring was around the corner we got -15° this morning .
It really is a sad state of affairs what's happening in the world at the moment. I was reading that a lot of Russians were fleeing to Finland, some of them are afraid that in the coming days, weeks, Putin is going to impose martial law and stop letting people out of the country.
The problem is AT by doing nothing we are just kicking this can down the road.
Of course no course of action is without very significant risk but the thought that he can butcher an independent country and put in a puppet government is not only repugnant but allowed to go militarily unchecked is highly highly dangerous.
As sure as eggs are eggs once he's had this victory and a brief period of rest his gaze will turn to Moldova , Georgia perhaps even Finland and Sweden.
Where will it end. And his ego and sense of immortality will become even more out of control than it is at present.
I totally agree. The west has been kicking this can down the road for too long. Over and over we have allowed Putin to get away with invading free nations with minimum punishment and now he feels embolden to do whatever and move forward conquering. There is no good choices though and if NATO or the US interferes it may become a full nuclear war. Like
@Armaghtoffee mentioned I think the best option would be if Russian's military or the oligarchs push Putin out of power but yesterday I watched a report from Russia and the citizens there continue being fed lies and war propaganda so many people still believe the war is justified and some people don't even believe that Ukrainians are dying or the cities are being destroyed.
Barnfred 55 reporting in. lol
I'm absolutely fine guys but thanks for enquiring. Obviously upset with what's happening in Ukraine and totally stunned by the Shane Warne news, but apart from that it's business as usual.
You may not have noticed but I tend to feed off other people's posts. I actually popped into the thread several times throughout the day yesterday but there was nothing going on in here. Last night I was binge watching a TV series from a couple of years ago that I've been meaning to watch, called Normal people. It's set in Ireland and is a story about two young people who obviously love each other dearly, but don't know how to tell each other that, resulting in them splitting up all the time. It's quite slow moving and not my normal cup of tea, but the on screen relationship between the 2 young unknown stars makes it quite addictive watching. I'd certainly recommend it (on BBC!player)
Hello darling! Glad you have reported today, I know the threat of the whip did the trick
Your own fault for jumping to conclusions Sass. You should realise by now that usually ends badly. lol
How was the Jacuzzi by the way.? Asking for a friend.
I know, I know, shame on me for jumping to such conclusions. I really thought that Jazzy was not only showing us his animals but introducing us Mrs. J lol
Tell your friend the jacuzzi was very relaxing and well deserved after a long working week.
Morning (just) all. Grey morning here with a cold wind but the sun looks as though it may shine later. Just back from a trip ro Peterborough museum which is hosting a fair for International Womens Day, a friend has a stall there showcasing her papercut artwork. Loads of things going on there with women from around the world in national costume etc which made me wonder why we can’t all get on like that everyday. Not going to dwell on world events though, too upsetting. Glad you had a great week at your new job
@Sassy Colombian. Have a great day all.
It seems that despite the grey morning you had a great time at the museum and supporting your friend. I also don't get why in this time in age humans have not learned to love each other, be tolerant and compassionate with one another, the world would be in a much better place.
@Gwladysover I'm glad too. The job is definitely what I expected to be and better