As I've just moved into my own place, there is now seemingly a need to get a TV License. However, I really cannot justify getting one to myself as I could easily do without BBC Services if I had to. Lets look at the facts:
- Their programming is [Poor language removed] - Planet Earth is great, but a great series every decade is not worth £145. Then you realise you're also paying for [Poor language removed] like Eastenders, The One Show, and that annoying twerp, Dominic Littlewood.
- Their News coverage is shocking, 'Brexit is going swimmingly', 'The Tories are wonderful' lets do Ed Milliband up like a kipper on our election specials by asking an avowed influential figure within the Tory Party to shout utter nonsense at him, in front of what is supposed to be a unbiased audience. Then of course their Current Affairs programmes - I cannot remember a truly enlightening episode of Panorama, reporting something that I did not know about beforehand. Question Time is awful, it is UKIP's one permanent seat, being filmed before a largely clueless audience filmed from shitholes such as Skegness or Skelmersdale or whatever backwater of Brexit Britain they wish to film in.
- It's only redeeming quality is sport, but let us look at the facts here - Match of the Day is stale to the point that I hardly ever sit through a full episode, if indeed I watch any of it at all. Six Nations - once a year isn't it? Not worthy of £145. Wimbledon? bugger me, an event for bored Daily Mail reading housewives. No thanks.
- Dion Dublin on Homes under the Hammer is good though.
Mods - I apologise for the bad language.