Had a bad weekend had the Jallops - My 85 year old mother in law sent to hospital in an ambulance thanks to her careline - hospital were told she suffer with the oddd water infection - then placed not in minor or major A&E, but put in the waiting room with the General public - when I heard that I asked for a Hospital Administrator I went berserk in five minutes she had seen the doctor and got a bed - She is now in bad nick as she dehydrated for 5 hours unattended no food no drink and oh they have confirmed its a water infection , and she now has to stay in a ward as she had gone a bit loco...GRRRThat`s a lot more legible than a lot of @Joey66 posts tbh
Absolute incompetence, they only listened when I took the phone of my far too reasonable wife, and went mad at them .....
If the caroline had contacted us first we would have just got the out of hours GP......grr