Noticed that one lately, are people too lazy to move the phone a few inches sideways to either ear.People now using mobile phones like walkie talkies. Myself and the rest of the general public don't want to hear how much weight you've lost. It still isn't nearly enough. ?
Why, just why ffs?
People now putting "Super" before an adjective. "It was super tasty!". [Poor language removed] off, you super [Poor language removed]!!!
Personally find giving a double tap on the brakes before giving the finger out the window works best.This one's awfully specific.
People who get absolutely biblical about how dangerous tailgating is, and how much they hate tailgaters... BUT then react with unbridled aggression when you point out that if they feel SO threatened, it would be wise for them to simply move aside and let the tailgater pass them.
I simply don't like the hypocrisy.
Sure, tailgating is a pain and yes it is dangerous. So when someone does it to me I just pull over and let them go - problem solved. But when I suggest this as a course of action for others who moan about how to deal with tailgaters, I inevitably receive abuse. The passive aggressiveness of someone who stubborn sits in the way, slowing down, doing anything they can to prevent the tailgater passing... I lose all sympathy for them.
Driving in France opened my eyes on this topic. No-one gets tailgated on the autoroutes, because people actually use their mirrors and pay attention to what's happening behind them.
And when braking look in your mirror to the the look of utter shock and panic in the car behind. It’s a risky play, but rather enjoyable that one.Personally find giving a double tap on the brakes before giving the finger out the window works best.
I find your use of language super offensive.People now putting "Super" before an adjective. "It was super tasty!". [Poor language removed] off, you super [Poor language removed]!!!
*cough* rear fog lights *cough*Personally find giving a double tap on the brakes before giving the finger out the window works best.