I was thnking just this the other day.This is going to make me sound like a monster but there’s nothing more infuriating then being accused incorrectly of gaslighting somebody. Mrs Bluerob does it all the time in an argument. When a disagreement happens which is natural and people resort to those allegations it puts you in an impossible position. Accusing people of gas lighting them is a term that is so overused nowadays. People can have a different point of view, everyone will. We’ve all been shaped by completely different factors and life experiences. We all experience reality in our own way but to tell somebody that your side of something is gas lighting them is a complete misunderstanding of the term and it badly grinds my gears
The other that gets on my nerves is what you said is offensive. No it's not. You make a choice to be offended, and even so, I'm entitled to my opinion, just as much as you are. If you choose to be offended by it, tough. (Obvs dosent count if your actually being an offensive prat)