Dan burns the banterbus chode, had a little purple patch and will be volleyed out of the journo killers club pretty soon
Thats a bit silly.Old retired people going shopping at the weekend or going for a day out - you’ve had all week ffs,
Stop driving like miss daisy, walking at 1mph in the street and clogging up the shopping aisles.
No over 65’s allowed to shop or drive anywhere at the weekend please
Old people driving really slowly does wind me up. If you've not got the confidence to drive at a reasonable speed or lack the observation skills to clock speed limits then do the decent thing and snip that license in two and post it to Swansea.Old retired people going shopping at the weekend or going for a day out - you’ve had all week ffs,
Stop driving like miss daisy, walking at 1mph in the street and clogging up the shopping aisles.
No over 65’s allowed to shop or drive anywhere at the weekend please
They may stop asking if you do though.When someone has just had their hair done and ask "Do you like my hair, Paris?"
I‘m not exactly going to say "No, it’s s41t" am I?
Pointless questions like that.
They may stop asking if you do though.
Certainty. Shocked he lasted so long to be honest. Deserves some credit for thatDan burns the banterbus chode, had a little purple patch and will be volleyed out of the journo killers club pretty soon
Having to mow the front and back lawns, physical and emotional purgatory.
Only made bearable by having Robert Zimmerman blasting away on the MP3 player.
That except not being aimed randomly at Asians. Makes me so angry.I don't know if this is something that makes me fume, but it certainly irritates me no end.
- being in the presence of Asians when they eat - I am referring to the Chinese & south east Asians.
Before we go any further, I am not in the least bit racist. I have many Asian friends (Malaysians, Filipinos, Chinese, Vietnamese). It's because I have Asian friends that I am accustomed to their eating habits.
They eat like horses (most if not all). They don't chew their food with their mouths closed. They chomp away with the loudest possible noise. it's unfair on horses to lump them together, horses have far better table manners. Someone told me that the noise is a sign they are enjoying the food. I wish they would express their appreciation in other ways. It grates on me like fingernails down blackboard. It can be unbearable to eat with them.