honestly, a lot of minor things make me fume. so much big things in life that i have zero control over blowing up all over around me, i fume at that which should be right.
my biggest recent fume - the freaking space over your seat in an airplane should belong to you.
the overhead compartment belongs to those in your row and not the person who tries to cheat the airlines who screw people by charging $50/bag check-in by bringing on 17 carry on items stacked like Russian Matrushka dolls.
after watching 3 very drunken Chileno "Dude Bros" who couldn't put their luggage in their own compartment because, i kid you not, they used it for a skate board and a straw sombrero, nearly drop my brand spanking new office laptop four times because they needed to use ours, i damned near ended up on of those "flight halted because of... " stories you read on Police Beat in the local fishwrap.
FU(me) the airlines for charging people to check bags and thus leading to the barbarism at the (boarding) gate continuing on to the plane itself.
FU(me) the people who carry more than the max number on the plane. Sorry, boss, your cello will not fit under your seat nor in the overhead.
FU(me) the airline again for not doing anything to stop people who clearly have more items than their regulation allow, or those with items too large to fit their requirements.
Seriously, hombre, put yer sombrero in my overhead and find a way to fit your pack and skate board in the space three people are supposed to share. If it doesn't work it, suck it up and check your luggage. Or at least have the common courtesy to buy me one of those small plastic bottles of whiskey each time you open my overhead and you have to catch my bag as it falls out because you need something from yours.
/rant off.