Wasn't Kean in the last year of his contract, maybe Sourness, should do a bit of homework before he comes out with his usual crap.
Anyone who says I don't know constantly like he did then, is just saying it to be controversial. Just sounds like mumbling of a typical bitter RS who again knows nothing about football.
He doesn't know he was in the last year, he doesn't know he wouldn't sign a new contract, he doesn't know that there's no buy back clause, he doesn't know anything about his attitude. His opinion is literally pointless on the whole subject, wouldn't let it bother me.
Indeed - but of course there is one thing he does know about Kean, hence the outburst.
I cant get vexed by that, sorry. All he, Souness, is doing is exposing his ignorance and lack of research into the player and the terms on his deal at Juve. As well as the well documented tale of how Marcel Brands tracked the lad, and reassured his Mum that "I will take care of your son"
To be fair I'm starting to see why he chose a target of just 7 goals this season.
Cutrone went to Wolves from Milan for less than Kean and there wasn't a peep from Souness. Very selective ignorance
Well if you live your life getting riled by Graham Souness then I am sorry. Cos I dont.