After driving 541 miles to watch yet another negative capitulation yesterday, as far as I'm concerned Moyes can [Poor language removed] off any time he likes, sooner the better. The players lack passion and desire, and for me this stems from Moyes' contract situation. This club needs a massive change of direction, obviously including the board. For now, I'd be more than happy to see Peter Reid take over tomorrow on a short term basis and take it from there. How anyone can defend Moyes after his stubborn refusal to take Naismith off yesterday is beyond me, I've had enough. Ah well, see you all next Saturday, moan, grumble, moan.
it get worse mate, we play Tuesday.
Happy days
I don,t see how a contract has anything to do with basic poor defending all season.
If we had the spending power we could have brought in a CH and CM but hey ho.
This+,moyes gets booed but kenwright gets clapped,only at everton can this happen,i think alot of people will get there wish if moyes leaves but for me it will be the demise of everton because blue Bill aint going anywhere and which top mánager would put up with what moyes has had too.
I don,t see how a contract has anything to do with basic poor defending all season.
If we had the spending power we could have brought in a CH and CM but hey ho.
Maybe we could get our existing defenders to, you know, defend better? But hey ho, what do i know about this management business.