Moyes to sign new 3yr deal

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Have you noticed the insults are always from the pro moyes posters. And all their arguments are based on what they think would happen or what they think would have happened, and then say we are deluded if we think everton can win stuff because of the money situation.

Most of the posters who want moyes out, want him out because of the sh1te, boring football we have to endure throughout the season, this is not what we think, this is a fact.

Played some excellent stuff since February. Mostly due to having the creativity of Pienaar back in the side. Took the piss out of some teams too.
As said results are more important than style... Ask blackpool fans!

My main problem is people use this unattractive football as a stick to beat moyes with. Whilst completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't always play like that... Last season was a game of two Halfs... First half being dull unattractive football whilst the 2nd half of the season we played some lovely football!?!?

Moyes fans clearly acknowledge the poor football but also have there eyes open to the fact he also plays good football (players permitting) whether u believe it right or wrong moyes chooses which way he's gonna go about it dependent on what sort of squad he has and tbf to him season on season we have ended up in good league positions..

Moyes haters completely ignore the times we are playing good stuff because it doesn't suit there agenda/argument. I'd have respect in their opinion if they admitted such things... And just said I want moyes out because of the dull football at times. I want a manager who try's to play attractive football over anything else regardless of what players we have, where we finish ect.

In which case I could completely understand you's wanting moyes replaced as he does not put style first. But to say he always plays defensive at all costs regardless of why players we have at any given period is bull!!

Rant over!!

great post
As said results are more important than style... Ask blackpool fans!

My main problem is people use this unattractive football as a stick to beat moyes with. Whilst completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't always play like that... Last season was a game of two Halfs... First half being dull unattractive football whilst the 2nd half of the season we played some lovely football!?!?

Moyes fans clearly acknowledge the poor football but also have there eyes open to the fact he also plays good football (players permitting) whether u believe it right or wrong moyes chooses which way he's gonna go about it dependent on what sort of squad he has and tbf to him season on season we have ended up in good league positions..

Moyes haters completely ignore the times we are playing good stuff because it doesn't suit there agenda/argument. I'd have respect in their opinion if they admitted such things... And just said I want moyes out because of the dull football at times. I want a manager who try's to play attractive football over anything else regardless of what players we have, where we finish ect.

In which case I could completely understand you's wanting moyes replaced as he does not put style first. But to say he always plays defensive at all costs regardless of why players we have at any given period is bull!!

Rant over!!

He plays defensive cautious negative football in the first few months of the season and when the pressure is on for reasons only known to him.

He then plays decent attacking adventerous in the second half of the season and when the pressure is off for reasons only known to him.

With the former you tend to get broing untrractive football, with the latter you tend to get decent entertaining football. But most importantly the difference bweteen the 2 is results.

If we played like we do in the second half of the season in the first half we'd get better results therefor giving us more chance of actually achieving something come the end of the season.

For me the people moaning about the crappy unattractive football he often plays are moaning just as much at the results it brings as it does the entertainemt (or lack of).

And its not all to do with whatever players he has available, otherwise it wouldn't happen regularly.

Oh and don't gove me no excuse about Pienaar, we played plenty of unattractive unneffective football with him in the side, as well as Arteta and Yakubu. You can play crap football with good players and good football with crap players.

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I'm on the fence about Moyesey at the moment, have been for a while. He really pissed me off this season just gone.

What really pisses me off is that outside of Everton forums everyone thinks he's some kind of godlike genius and people think you're mad for even daring to criticise him. I got into an argument with a friend of a friend last night who stated categorically that we'd be relegated in 3 years if we lost him, and wouldn't listen to a word I was saying, and basically was saying that our squad was relegation fodder and Moyes is the only thing that keeps us up. This doesn't seem to be an uncommon opinion, either.

Who watches Everton every week FFS? And you know something's not quite right when the shabs are singing "ten more years".

yeah same opinion, hes a great manager obviously, he just lacks that bit of something to take us to the next level, therefore does not deserve such a high wage, nevermind increased wages for not achieving anything, we have a good squad here atm, a squad capable of easily challenging a team like newcastle, who lets be honest overachieved massively, everything they hist seemed to go flying into the top corner etc. if moyes doesn't get us at least within touching distance of eurpean qualification he has to go, but sadly we have a chairman who knows very little about football and sadly has no money whatsoever
£3.5M p.a. presently apparently so any new improved deal will no doubt put him well in excess of £4M p.a. - he'll be one of the highest paid managers in world football...challenging those at the very elite of his know, the people who are actually successful at the job.

Of course, he gets that money because he is completely safe as houses in retaining Everton's Premier League status and the tv money that goes with it. For our board of directors who simply want to limp on without any inconvenience until they get a massive offer for their shares, £4M p.a. is a good deal.

They're all in it together. Forget Moyes' horseshit about being ambitious (he'll do as he's told and sell who they tell him to sell), Moyes and the board are all in the grifting business. They're basically con-men offering a product that isn't actually there to gullible people who they know cant help themselves falling for the con-trick.

Moyes, Kenwright, Earl, Elstone...they're all cut from the same cloth as far as I'm concerned. I feel nothing more than revulsion for them.

Well fookin said, an the worst thing of all is....

Not many can see what's going on.

We need a revolution an fast..

I like Moyes but I have to agree, he cant moan about having no money and publically back Kenwright at the same time.
Played some excellent stuff since February. Mostly due to having the creativity of Pienaar back in the side. Took the piss out of some teams too.

There was an improvement in some games, was that not due to him letting the handbreak off as he had nothing to lose, where before Feb his mindset was to contain and cautiously play our way into a european place?
really hope this report is true and hes going to sign for three more years cudnt be a better start to the week if its true c,mon davy sign the fecking thing
lol, the board is so scared of losing moyes. Why don't you rich fat cats invest in the club and bill why don't you make funds available for moyes each season ffs. I don't blame moyes for threatening to leave, i just don't want a 3 year extension and no transfer funds.

There was an improvement in some games, was that not due to him letting the handbreak off as he had nothing to lose, where before Feb his mindset was to contain and cautiously play our way into a european place?

In part, probably, yes. But we do not deliberately play sh*t football every year until january. That's classic short term/selective memory from some, going only on what they can remember from last year. The problem the year before was we never had a striker. We had Arteta and Pienaar as well as Fellaini and Osman and we played good passing football and got into the last third constantly but failed to take many points due to the fact we had no one to slot. The Fulham and Villa away fixtures being a couple of infuriating examples. Saha was still getting injured all the time, Yak was f*cking dire and Beckford took a good 6 months to find his feet properly.

We would have unquestionably started that year infinitely better had we had a Jelavic in the side. Instead we had to make do with a free transfer from league one, a crock and a fat, lazy waste of space.

In August we had no Pienaar, no Arteta, and no Yakubu or Beckford. Saha had got over his injury problem but also simultaneously morphed into Yak mk. II by barely managing to break into a light jog between August and January i.e. we had no strikers AND no creativity. We were even worse off than the year before. Lord knows where we'd have finished had we not had January to put things right.

We were never going to play great football back in August. Our creative players were... Leon Osman. Plus Fellaini was restricted as we had no Gibson. Another reason why we were better going forward because of shrewd January signings.

Our tactics would have been slightly more reserved before January this year because we were f*cking sh*te and we all know it. Yeah, we did well the second half of the season before but it took players like Leon playing out of his skin every week (which he will not do every year) and we did at least have Arteta to get it on the deck.

Been trying to stay out of these debates lately but saying our poor starts are solely due to tactics is wrong. The bastards at the top are the problem.
I cant wait for Everton to start like a train this Season.

All you Moyes Out beauts are gonna be crying.

Cant wait what the excuse will be.

We'll finish badly when the pressure and expectation upon Moist when we're 3rd in January will cause him to go back into his cautious defensive shell meaning we finish 7th again.

And the excuses as to why its not his fault will flow from the Moyes loving beauts.

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