Murders in Liverpool.

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Unfortunately the silence culture in the City as in any other City doesn’t help the authorities.
I was going to put this, if the 'no grass' culture persists, the only result is that fear and further violence will overcome good. That will be horrific for everyone. As a wool, I don't get this culture. Call me a grass but bad mo fo's need taking away by the feds, that can only happen with information being passed. One of those fatalities could be you or a member of your family.
Perhaps not the right time or place to preach your political bias when a poor little girl has died?

It’s an absolutely shocking crime. Hope the perpetrator/s face the full force of the law.
I get your point but I'm not trying to piggyback a tragedy to preach - I'm just mulling over my own lifetime experiences and observations having spent years watching and thinking about what is wrong with the country. Such an abhorrent event makes me think openly about how we, as a nation, got here and makes me think of reasons and motivations.

Out of curiosity though, because I've also consistently observed a strategy among tories to "close down discussion and debate" about criticism simply because they can't ever justify their position without sounding selfish or self serving, you aren't one ate you?
Its everywhere. Just look at the octagenarian on a mobility scooter, murdered in London this week. An adult knifed in Swindon by kids yesterday - for his bike I think.

Society has become horrendously dysfunctional. It started with Maggie telling us there was no such thing as society. Then the tories changed homes into investments ballooning the price. When the youth could no longer afford homes they were put into debt and servitude by charging for higher education.

To gain favour and votes parents were told by the tories that they know better than the trained professionals at schools. Suddenly the sun shone out of every little arse's anal opening and they could not be punished. Excuses were made for every bit of bad behaviour and names were given to conditioned to make bad behaviour acceptable. Budget cuts by tories closed special schools so that extremely badly behaved kids were mixed with those in normal schools who were just holding it together. Bad behaviour spread. The same happened with adult mental health care. Those who need more support and those from whom society need protection now walk among us - to save money, save taxes and protect votes.

Young kids, now adults, with little education, no prospect of an honest living to afford a home, have nothing to lose and everything to gain from crime, in the full knowledge that someone somewhere will make up excuses for them and reduce any punishment. Even if they get jail time they know it'll be shorter than what a judge says because we don't have enough prisons - and they're so comfortable tories can't afford to run them, without raising taxes and losing votes.

Our country is now ruled by accountants following money, apparently saving taxes or moving them to stealth and votes are won from the stupid who believe the billionaire owned press. There is no quality leadership, no orator, no great mind or vision that gets into Westminster anymore - just look at the privileged no-marks contesting to be the next pm. There is no leader strong enough to say enough and go on to blame inadequate parents (lose votes), blame previous governments (lose honours), fund the police and criminal justice system (spend taxes, lose votes), lead by moral example (don't lie, cheat, embezzle - lose personal wealth) and fix it. There are none. Parliament is not about representing your electorate anymore, it is about career politicians in it for themselves.

I despair for the future but without it getting me depressed. I'm 56 and have had good years - knowing I'm nearer death than I am birth means I'm unlikely to see the reality of a mad max future.

Still ... mustn't grumble.
Well said.
I'd go a step further and say the reality of your Mad Max analogy may not be that far away.
Stating the obvious current economic environment and everything else in the gathering perfect storm, when people take to the streets, society as we know it is in for a massive shock.

Police press conference says it was an innocent family who opened their door after hearing gunshots, the fella who was getting shot at ran inside the house and the gunman then shot in the house as the mum was trying to close the door.

Another innocent family destroyed because of feral scum.
From numerous accounts, he has shot the mother and daughter and then carried on his assault. The male victims friends took him to hospital too.

And not her. I’ve said it before that I’m not normally an advocate of capital punishment, but hang them. And hang them high.

Too many innocents being caught up in the petty disputes these ferral scumbags are caught up in. 15 year ago a young lad was shot by à scumbag, 15 years later these rats have learned nothing and still having the same petty arguments over the same petty crap,they wont talk to the bizzies they don't want to be labelled grasses,yet when one of these rats are tearing round on a bike breaking the law and the law do something about it the rats can't speak up quick enough to badmouth the police,them lids are not seen as grasses they're one of the lids they go off together light a reefer is right lid, yet when an innocent girl is shot dead in the safety of her own home theyll go all mute and say nothing,
I was going to put this, if the 'no grass' culture persists, the only result is that fear and further violence will overcome good. That will be horrific for everyone. As a wool, I don't get this culture. Call me a grass but bad mo fo's need taking away by the feds, that can only happen with information being passed. One of those fatalities could be you or a member of your family.
Well said. Paramilitaries in NI made sure 'touts' were crushed as they are their biggest threat. Evil people can then do as they please with no consequence. The result is fear. Many many cases of people saying a wrong word to the wrong person. There was a confidential phone line in place for decades (may still be). People must be actively encouraged to give these scum up. Advertising campaigns etc It's always the innocents that pay the price. It's the innocents that live in fear.
I get your point but I'm not trying to piggyback a tragedy to preach - I'm just mulling over my own lifetime experiences and observations having spent years watching and thinking about what is wrong with the country. Such an abhorrent event makes me think openly about how we, as a nation, got here and makes me think of reasons and motivations.

Out of curiosity though, because I've also consistently observed a strategy among tories to "close down discussion and debate" about criticism simply because they can't ever justify their position without sounding selfish or self serving, you aren't one ate you?
I don’t believe my political perspective has a place in a discussion about the murder of a nine year old.

There has been violent crime under every UK government, however there is a general trend of decrease in prevalence since 1995 which would obviously include both the labour and conservative led governments. 1661258198206.webp

We don’t have enough facts about this case yet to attribute causality. It could be a passion crime gone wrong or a mentally ill person,…but I would bet that like most of these poor innocent people caught up in these events, they are tragic victims of targeted gangland hits gone wrong.

If it is what everyone is thinking, then the issue isn’t politics, it’s culture. Liverpool, like any other city has an anti-social subculture that various types of personalities get involved with.

Young dumb naive people who have been influenced in a way that glorifies crime and want to fit in with their peers.

Lazy/greedy people who want a certain living but don’t have the morals to work honestly for it.

Dangerous violent people who end up being leaders of the above types in organised gangs.

They all need locking up. The no grassing sub-culture in the city not only allows, but endorses these types of behaviours.
I don’t believe my political perspective has a place in a discussion about the murder of a nine year old.

There has been violent crime under every UK government, however there is a general trend of decrease in prevalence since 1995 which would obviously include both the labour and conservative led governments.View attachment 179802

We don’t have enough facts about this case yet to attribute causality. It could be a passion crime gone wrong or a mentally ill person,…but I would bet that like most of these poor innocent people caught up in these events, they are tragic victims of targeted gangland hits gone wrong.

If it is what everyone is thinking, then the issue isn’t politics, it’s culture. Liverpool, like any other city has an anti-social subculture that various types of personalities get involved with.

Young dumb naive people who have been influenced in a way that glorifies crime and want to fit in with their peers.

Lazy/greedy people who want a certain living but don’t have the morals to work honestly for it.

Dangerous violent people who end up being leaders of the above types in organised gangs.

They all need locking up. The no grassing sub-culture in the city not only allows, but endorses these types of behaviours.
I don't disagree with you at all. It would be interesting to see a specific graph of murders, rather than general violent crime though. Also your graph stops two years ago - before the discontent at the crumbling mismanaged economy, rampant inflation and geberal misery caused of the fat oaf in charge.
The drugs trade has sadly changed everything.

With so much 'easy money' to be made, the criminal underclass has grown and become more vicious in pursuit of territory.

Tragically as we have seen, if criminals are equipped with firearms, the potential for bystanders and others to be harmed and killed has increased.

You would have to be blind not to see how this has effected our city.

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