Oh aye, I know a few too. Looking back I suspect they'd probably have got there anyway eventually, be it by slowly going mad or the ale. Just reckon the lack of sleep and effects of the drugs accelerated it all.Same here mate.
I had two bad ones on mushies and that was it for me.
The first one was the worst and stupidly took a load more the second time, just to see if the first time was a one off ( if that makes sense )
I knew a couple of really bright lads, who completely fried their brains from excessive use of acid, speed and dope.
One kid I knew still roams around honking back weed to this day. He's under strict instructions not to from his psychiatrist and is on strong medications. Last time I bumped into him he was delighted to have a free travel pass so he literally just rode buses to hitherto never visited places getting high and being weird at unsuspecting locals. Before the inevitable arrest and sectioning.
I'm kind of envious. I've got a mortgage and a semi responsible job, he gets to bark at villagers. Ffs. Should took more shrooms back in the day.