i'm a big fan of LSD but never tried DMT. Got a theory tho' maybe yous can comment on regarding the crystal-clear pattern visuals, those fractals or psychedelic mandelbrots which a lot of users report.
yous may be aware that applying pressure to ones' closed eyeballs (not recommended, but some of us might've done this as kids!) causes similar visual patterns which DMT users report, only not so vivid or colourful. More flat grey monotone with lots of static noise.
My theory is that DMT amplifies whatever that signal is: adds colour-saturation, clarity, depth etc, even making it appear with eyes open.
With LSD i think what that does is it removes the perception-filters we've gradually developed ever since we were tiny children. Newborns, babies & toddlers don't have these filters fully-developed yet: everything is so vivid, swirling, pulsing, alive and so unbelievably fascinating to them: shapes, colours, noises etc. Reality is buzzing with magical activity. Once these perception filters are fully-developed (say by the age of 3 or 4) then reality has settled into the steady static solid realm we all know.
Look at the wide-eyed wonder of the baby observing the world, and see the same expression on the tripping psychonaut.
An adult on LSD has the advantage over the baby in that he or she has lived a life: has developed eyesight, hearing, memory and appreciation. To have a chance of having these filters temporarily removed creates in the adult that same sense of magical wonder, which we can barely describe but now we can remember it, cherish it, and attempt to reconcile it with our steady world.
Psychedelics of course do more than just mess about with visual perception. Audio too...i was once subjected to Abba while acid-peaking....truly angels from heaven!
Then there's that feeling of oneness
@magicjuan also refers to. I've been communicated to, via music, that we're all gonna be ok, for before we exist (before birth) and after we exist (death) we are this other thing...a beautiful unified consciousness, which is intelligent and curious enough to split itself into unlimited parts (our lives here) purely to experience a different perspective.
Essentially, I think psychedelics give us clues that we are a bored god.