New Everton Stadium

As many stated the deal with Peel was done months ago. The deal was subject to Everton securing the finances to see the deal through.

Peel were always on board, this was only questioned by sceptics. Lindsay Ashworths comments come following further evidence that the club as now almost secured the relevant financial package to support the development.

We'll at least he's changes his tune since last May - this was reported in the Echo back then,

[However, Peel Group's position does not appear cut and dried. Earlier this week development director Lindsey Ashworth told the ECHO: “Liverpool Waters does not need kick-starting. We have a massive amount of projects underway that we haven’t disclosed to the public yet.”

Referring to Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson’s suggestion that the stadium could be built on Peel land, Mr Ashworth said: “I’m not a party to those discussions so you need to ask them that question.

“There are a lot of projects going through the pipeline and it takes time to do. We want to make sure we get the quality and right balance of projects to do it properly and get it right.”]

That sounds even more of a change in tone.

But let's have it right here: that 'heads of terms' agreement is a pretty provisional thing and underlines just how far away we are from agreeing anything on Bramley Dock much less building anything down there.

We are miles off. I know no one wants to hear that, but we simply are miles off.

That sounds even more of a change in tone.

But let's have it right here: that 'heads of terms' agreement is a pretty provisional thing and underlines just how far away we are from agreeing anything on Bramley Dock much less building anything down there.

We are miles off. I know no one wants to hear that, but we simply are miles off.

Heads of terms are a set of agreed principles which precede the signing of a negotiated contract, and which the parties intend to be reflected in the written contract. They set out the basis of the deal in broad terms
Heads of terms are a set of agreed principles which precede the signing of a negotiated contract, and which the parties intend to be reflected in the written contract. They set out the basis of the deal in broad terms
Exactly. It's an agreement about an agreement. But that's over cost of land. Then the heavy lifting begins: fighting objections off and gaining panning permission.

As said: miles.

That sounds even more of a change in tone.

But let's have it right here: that 'heads of terms' agreement is a pretty provisional thing and underlines just how far away we are from agreeing anything on Bramley Dock much less building anything down there.

We are miles off. I know no one wants to hear that, but we simply are miles off.

Im not to fussed about even announcing the intention, personally i think it wont be built for 5-7 years anyway.

I prefer the club to announce it when most of the red tape has been sorted, if thats this time next year im not to pushed. As someone who has been burnt on many stadium initiatives by Everton id prefer substance over razmataz on this project.

The one difference i note with this project that gives me cause for optimism is many public bodies or ones with a media profile are keen to hitch their wagon to the project and leaks are all third party. The level of this political and third party media whoring seems largely based on the scale of the project and a held belief of concluding it, that strikes me as very different to previous projects and hmming and hawwing over funding models.

Take your time Everton and get it right.
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As many stated the deal with Peel was done months ago. The deal was subject to Everton securing the finances to see the deal through.

Peel were always on board, this was only questioned by sceptics. Lindsay Ashworths comments come following further evidence that the club as now ALMOST secured the relevant financial package to support the development.
is right, once we get the 80M for lukaku then we can start pouring the concrete
We're optimistic about an agreement for the cost of land required.

'kin ell, is that it?

Because of the way the deal is formed, they cant agree a final price on the land until they have a plan as to what is going there. The price of the land is based upon the land value post planning. Basically, the better use we make of the land, the more Peel will want. Teams are working on the Planning documents now. The deal that was put forward last year basically secured the land for Everton to design for without the risk of Peel selling it from under them
Im not to fussed about even announcing the intention, personally i think it wont be built for 5-7 years anyway.

I prefer the club to announce it when most of the red tape has been sorted, if thats this time next year im not to pushed. As someone who has been burnt on many stadium initiatives by Everton id prefer substance over razmataz on this project.

The one difference i note with this project that gives me cause for optimism is many public bodies or ones with a media profile are keen to hitch their wagon to the project and leaks are all third party. The level of this political and third party media whoring seems largely based on the scale of the project and a held belief of concluding it, that strikes me as very different to previous projects and hmming and hawwing over funding models.

Take your time Everton and get it right.
I couldn't agree more mate. They are my sentiments entirely.

It IS all a bit too much razzmatazz for such a provisional understanding.

On planning obstructions: yes, we'll have less red tape given that we wont have to worry about regional local plans being transgressed etc etc. But I think we will see some opposition and it will slow this down a hell of a lot.

If we have a fair wind behind us I'd go with the earliest of your timeframe - 5 years.

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