New Everton Stadium

Not sure on the ages or occupation of some of the posters on here, but judging by some of the reactions I would guess school kids with little idea of how complex the building of a stadium is, never mind one in a world heritage site.
For what it’s worth I’m 50 years old and my occupation is a contracts manager for a conservation building company. We specialise in the conservation of historic buildings like Castles, Churches, Cathedrals. I Have to say I’m not the slightest bit concerned or surprised at the speed this project is proceeding at. If I Had been brought in to manage just the restoration of the historic buildings alone on the site we would still be at the design and negotiation with the different conservation authorities never mind having to place a football stadium in the middle of such a site.
From my experience there will be an endless stream of drawings, impact studies and the like going backwards and forwards between the designers and the likes of Historic England and conservation officers. It would be absolutely pointless to release drawings until the different authorities have agreed in principle to the idea.
My advice,
Sit back and enjoy the ride I have a feeling we might like where we’re going.

That's irrelevant to those like DaveK who likes to pass off his own repetitive negative opinions as if they are fact to claim he's figured out the project is already a failure. Said it before, if we get positive news in the next year, it'd be nice to see him and some of the others come on here and admit they were wrong. Even more so if/when the Stadium actually gets built. But then he'll move on to something else or a different angle to have a dig at the club for. If it collapses i'd have no problem admitting I was wrong, but don't see any reason to believe it would.

Nothing has been said that suggests the Stadium won't happen, it's just very complex due to various obvious reasons. Amazing how some on here try and spout their constant nonsense about how those involved from EFC are a bunch of frauds in regard to the Stadium. They ignore that EFC have therefore somehow managed to brainwash and string along huge organisations in to going along with their nasty plan to screw over the Everton support and lie about the Stadium.

When you think about it, it's quite impressive how the club have pulled off this conspiracy for the failed stadium. They've managed to persuade the likes of the Mayor, American Architect Dan Meis and Ian Pollitt from Peel to go along with it. I'm sure Dan Meis for example was keen to have the failed Everton Stadium as part of his portfolio which includes the successful 65,000 Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinatti.

First Kirkby scheme at the golf course circa 1997
KD circa 2000-2002
DK circa 2007-2009
WHP circa 2013-2015 this next wing and a prayer.

no doubt you'll call me a fool or a supreme optimist, but I feel fairly confident that all your doubts and negativity towards the current stadium project are going to be blown asunder comfortably by the end of January... if not before !!

Maybe then, you will get on board and start talking the club up ??
That's irrelevant to those like DaveK who likes to pass off his own repetitive negative opinions as if they are fact to claim he's figured out the project is already a failure. Said it before, if we get positive news in the next year, it'd be nice to see him and some of the others come on here and admit they were wrong. Even more so if/when the Stadium actually gets built. But then he'll move on to something else or a different angle to have a dig at the club for. If it collapses i'd have no problem admitting I was wrong, but don't see any reason to believe it would.

Nothing has been said that suggests the Stadium won't happen, it's just very complex due to various obvious reasons. Amazing how some on here try and spout their constant nonsense about how those involved from EFC are a bunch of frauds in regard to the Stadium. They ignore that EFC have therefore somehow managed to brainwash and string along huge organisations in to going along with their nasty plan to screw over the Everton support and lie about the Stadium.

When you think about it, it's quite impressive how the club have pulled off this conspiracy for the failed stadium. They've managed to persuade the likes of the Mayor, American Architect Dan Meis and Ian Pollitt from Peel to go along with it. I'm sure Dan Meis for example was keen to have the failed Everton Stadium as part of his portfolio which includes the successful 65,000 Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinatti.

I think it will happen this time but it is only natural for fans to be pessimistic based on past failures.
"funding target has escalated significantly...

...It’s a challenge...

Our hope, and our target, is..."

You dont have to be Noam Chomsky to read between the lines on that.

You're making out like these things are one offs with huge Stadium projects lol.

"funding target has escalated significantly...

What about Wembley?..."Multiplex does not expect its own extra costs will go beyond the stated £183m, but the overall figure of £962.4m is expected to rise further."

Or what about Spurs' new Stadium?

"The cost of Tottenham Hotspur’s new North London stadium has ballooned to more that £1 billion, making it the most expensive football construction project in the UK, costing even more than West Ham’s Olympic Stadium, built for the 2012 Olympics and remodelled into the London Stadium for the Hammers."

...It’s a challenge...

Again, because no new stadiums face new challenges do they Dave?

Initially Spurs’ 61,500 seat stadium was hoped to come in at £400 million but costs soon reached £750 million. The new cost hike is attributed the complexity of the build, according to a report in the Mail.

Dave, what tells you, from your knowledge or experience of large scale construction that "We should be at the planning stage by now"?

The programmed date for planning afaik was december (start or end, I don't know),
it is fairly normal for there to be slippage on projects of this size, so the fact that there is some is hardly surprising. It is that common in fact that there is a standard amount of projected slippage/float regularly written into contracts.

This is a large and complicated projected made more challenging by the location. It is no surprise to me, and I doubt to anybody else involved in the construction industry, if there is some level of movement on the contract dates.
You answer your own question there mate. It's not just a matter of date slippage, this is now a can kicked down a road of indeterminate length. It's now just a vague promise to get this sorted out and a note of caution about objections...which are easily seen as convenient get out clauses.

You're making out like these things are one offs with huge Stadium projects lol.

"funding target has escalated significantly...

What about Wembley?..."Multiplex does not expect its own extra costs will go beyond the stated £183m, but the overall figure of £962.4m is expected to rise further."

Or what about Spurs' new Stadium?

"The cost of Tottenham Hotspur’s new North London stadium has ballooned to more that £1 billion, making it the most expensive football construction project in the UK, costing even more than West Ham’s Olympic Stadium, built for the 2012 Olympics and remodelled into the London Stadium for the Hammers."

...It’s a challenge...

Again, because no new stadiums face new challenges do they Dave?

Initially Spurs’ 61,500 seat stadium was hoped to come in at £400 million but costs soon reached £750 million. The new cost hike is attributed the complexity of the build, according to a report in the Mail.

I think his point is its Everton.

We screw up Stadium moves and have plenty of form for it.
Far more clearer than the ambiguous rubbish that comes out of Elstones blow hole.

Looks like it’s all inching closer

Funny, I'd actually be more reassured by this cautious, realistic sounding statement from the club - even if it does mean things are moving a bit slower than some expected - than from the Mayor's triumphalist tweets. I mean, wouldn't Liverpool would be hosting the Commonwealth Games in five years if his tweets were anything like reliable?
I think it will happen this time but it is only natural for fans to be pessimistic based on past failures.

The past failures are separate from this project though. In past failures we didn't have a Billionaire owner at the back of us. In past failures we didn't have the TV money as an extra boost to our yearly finances which provide even more security for us.

It's like saying Man City could never possibly win the league once they got the money because they'd failed on the pitch for so long before that. Things change, and things have changed in terms of the resources at EFC now Moshiri is here.
How so when DK was seen as the economic driver for a whole region stretching from Knowsley to West Lancs?

Unlocking Liverpool Waters. I thought I had explained to you how the LCC SPV thing derisked the project for the big boys to play? The CWG was a fig leaf to allow LCC to do that, and the #1 reason AU freed up Moshiri to pitch up here is that; my conjecture, granted, but with every step, it puts another tick in that box.

Elstone and Mayor Joe today. Coincidence?

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