New Everton Stadium

While I do agree on the article content, you can't be asking for an update "even if the update is that there is nothing further to report" and then disregard an update on that very issue.

This is not like buying players where secrecy is the order of the day. If Jaguar Land Rover said they were to build a replacement factory for the workforce at Halewood, there would be immediate and constant engagement with the staff, with mock-ups, models and diagrams all laid out for view. This really should be no different. And I know, I know, we haven’t got PP or Finance arranged, but the lack of communication really is appalling. Anyway, enough said....
While I do agree on the article content, you can't be asking for an update "even if the update is that there is nothing further to report" and then disregard an update on that very issue.
I dont know about updates on no further developments. But dont forget that we've had the club state that we'd be at a certain point for PP to be sought, so that would be asking for an underlining of their own intent in that respect.
.........and there we have it, straight from the horses mouth.
It's no wonder so many people get wound up by you @davek (I still haven't worked out whether or not that is your main objective BTW.) Whether intentionally or not, you succeed in giving the impression that it goes even further than you just hating the club. Your relentless negative posts seem designed with the object of actually encouraging others to 'hate the club.'
I genuinely wonder what (if any) pleasure you get from 'supporting' Everton?

I think you can love Everton and hate much of that which is associated with it - think many of us did last season.
.........and there we have it, straight from the horses mouth.
It's no wonder so many people get wound up by you @davek (I still haven't worked out whether or not that is your main objective BTW.) Whether intentionally or not, you succeed in giving the impression that it goes even further than you just hating the club. Your relentless negative posts seem designed with the object of actually encouraging others to 'hate the club.'
I genuinely wonder what (if any) pleasure you get from 'supporting' Everton?
...yes, the club and the outsiders they use to get their message out for stringing along fans. Not sure how that's evidence of negativity, more a case of wanting to dispell doubt for the people amongst our fanbase who are putting body and soul into this project on a daily basis and who appear to be having their trust abused.
...yes, the club and the outsiders they use to get their message out for stringing along fans. Not sure how that's evidence of negativity, more a case of wanting to dispell doubt for the people amongst our fanbase who are putting body and soul into this project on a daily basis and who appear to be having their trust abused.

Sorry @davek I have obviously misunderstood you.
I didn't realise that you were just trying to save us from our trust, hope and positivity.
How very noble of you to devote so much of your time to our well being ;)

You know, if you want to find reasons to say this wont happen, maybe thats fine(probably not), but to make up that its because "where would a guy whos BFFs with one of the richest billionaries in europe get money for it?" is just downright stupid. If it makes financial long term sense Moshiri has a better bank than all but a few hundred people in the world have. Cash isnt an issue.
All depends, whose cash it is...and what terms they want for lending it to you - I fear an arm and a leg would be the least of our worries
The Club dont have 300M
The Council dont have 300M
The Bank(s) seem leery of lending it to the above
Other lending solutions - The Public Works Borrowing, doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.

Moshiri putting his own money in, last chance saloon, with a debt millstone if thats the only option left

Still, he seems a clever chap and probably knows some other clever chaps who will find away around this problem, if there is one to be found.
If not - Elstone stated publically; if the finances don't add up they'll walk away
The thing about that though is that it was another masterclass in saying a lot and saying nothing at the same time.

I think pete and others have a point: update us that we are working toward a definite date end of summer / start of autumn when a planning application will go in. We need something tangible here to hold onto or the morale of all involved will ebb away. Personally I think we're on the long march back out of this project and nothing indicates it's on.

Nothing indicates if off

Your entitled to your view and i’m Entitled to think it’s garbage based on previous interactions with you on this topic

Rather wait for an official line from the club to be honest
All depends, whose cash it is...and what terms they want for lending it to you - I fear an arm and a leg would be the least of our worries
The Club dont have 300M
The Council dont have 300M
The Bank(s) seem leery of lending it to the above
Other lending solutions - The Public Works Borrowing, doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.

Moshiri putting his own money in, last chance saloon, with a debt millstone if thats the only option left

Still, he seems a clever chap and probably knows some other clever chaps who will find away around this problem, if there is one to be found.
If not - Elstone stated publically; if the finances don't add up they'll walk away

'The Council dont have 300M' is irrelevent, the plan is that the money is coming from the PWLB and there is nothing at all to suggest this doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. Has any PWLB application been refused? Why would they loan more to Warrington (and others) then turn down Liverpool?

Frankly, 99% of stuff on this thread is pure conjecture, we have no way of knowing how much/little is being done on the project. I'm sure when there's something to be said it will be.
'The Council dont have 300M' is irrelevent, the plan is that the money is coming from the PWLB and there is nothing at all to suggest this doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. Has any PWLB application been refused? Why would they loan more to Warrington (and others) then turn down Liverpool?

Frankly, 99% of stuff on this thread is pure conjecture, we have no way of knowing how much/little is being done on the project. I'm sure when there's something to be said it will be.
What if its...'looks like its a stand by stand redevelopment, starting with the Bullens Rd'
What if its...'looks like its a stand by stand redevelopment, starting with the Bullens Rd'

If we were to redevelop then equally they will have to adhere to local planning etc and plans would eventually be public, no different to any site. I'm not sure of the relevance of that response to be honest.

If we were to redevelop then equally they will have to adhere to local planning etc and plans would eventually be public, no different to any site. I'm not sure of the relevance of that response to be honest.
No news may not necessarily mean good news...and the good news may not be that good in the long term
Nothing indicates if off

Your entitled to your view and i’m Entitled to think it’s garbage based on previous interactions with you on this topic

Rather wait for an official line from the club to be honest

I didn't say indications are that it's off, I said nothing indicates that it's on. There's a big difference.

If the club are fair with its fans then they'll make good on their promise to formally seek PP. For that application to have the early 2019 decision they have spoken of, this process needs to be started no later than early autumn 2018.
3000 pages and NOTHING


make of that what you will

Nothing? Agreement re. BMD with Peel, Dan Meis workshop and in talks re financing the stadium. Hardly nothing. Whether or not this does get over the line, we have never been this far forward with a potential ground move. Let's just be patient and see what the club announces over the next 3 to 6 months. It might not happen, but until told differently it's on as far as I am concerned.
Nothing? Agreement re. BMD with Peel, Dan Meis workshop and in talks re financing the stadium. Hardly nothing. Whether or not this does get over the line, we have never been this far forward with a potential ground move. Let's just be patient and see what the club announces over the next 3 to 6 months. It might not happen, but until told differently it's on as far as I am concerned.

its A:LWAYS been on... until its announced that we can not finance it.

its whats known as a 'pipe dream'


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